Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail ACCUSED Of GOING WOKE | Game Journalists Say Fans Are TRANSPHOBIC

Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail ACCUSED Of GOING WOKE | Game Journalists Say Fans Are TRANSPHOBIC

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34 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail ACCUSED Of GOING WOKE | Game Journalists Say Fans Are TRANSPHOBIC”

  1. I found wuk lamat to be a bit annoying but my overall gripe is that the game didnt really allow us to have an adventure. It would have been nice if the game would have let us explore and be guided by clues to the golden city every so often we meet up with wuk lamat and help them out while enjoying the sights at our leisure

  2. Wait… seriously? I am enjoying the expansion just like every other expansion that came out since Heavensward (well actually since ARR) and I seriously don’t give a F about who voiced who as long as they do a good job (and if anyone does care they can always play with japanese voices and english text… don’t ask me how, I only know google is your best friend there, and problem solved)

    Also that’s why I’m so fed up with all these groups of people, you can’t have any “negative” opinion because they’ll instantly play the -phobe/-ism card to invalidate any criticism, really can’t take that card seriously anymore.

    Also about reviews themselves… look I don’t expect the expansion to be super good as shadowbringers raised the bar ridiculously high (and to some extent endwalker did too, but shb was the absolute goat)

    Edit: I’m halfway through the story and all I can say is I hated Wuk lamat since the very beginning because of how plain of a character she is… after seeing how glorious and majestic Emet-selch was it is painful to see a super uni-dimensional character take the spotlight, Lyse who had a similar role in her story was waaaaay more interesting and likeable….

  3. I'm reading these negative reviews on Steam and nearly ALL of them mentioning Wuk Lamat simply say she isn't a well written character. Nothing, NOTHING mentions the voice actor being trans; and so far at least, that means nothing to me. I see no pushing of pronouns or gender pushing bullshit (so far) and so it's just another voice in the game. I'm not far enough into the expac to comment on her character or writing yet, but it seems unreasonable to me to say people not liking the story or writing thus far (and are clearly stating it) are doing so because of the VA.

  4. Boy, I have nothing against LGBTQ. Hell, I even once played as a trans elf in Pen and Paper (an asexual male actor who disguises himself as a woman and uses his abilities and feminine appearance to hide the fact that he's a man). I mean, if it's a good story like "Hazbin Hotel" or "She'ra" or "broke Back Mountain" then that's a good diversity setting, but right now it's all forced and poorly written so no one wants to see it because it is smeared on the face. Stop disrespect old male heroes like luke or Indiana johnes to install a new femal girl boss!

  5. I play FF14 With Japanese Audio, English Subtitles. At the beginning of the Dawntrail expansion when they introduced the goldsmith character in the Expansion City. They gave him pronouns, gender swapped him to a female in the ENG subtitle text(even though he's clearly a dude). Which doesn't sync with the JP audio at all. They later change him back to a male in the subtitles. But initially they snuck in in pronouns/gender swapping in the subtitles. (Specifically talking about the Main Story Quest when you needed a crafter for something, and you wanted to go back to the Dawntrail Main city to inquire about hiring him for a job.

  6. I played ARR in english, then i noticed how the voice actors were being swapped almost every patch until HeavensWard, then i moved to Japanese, gotta say it sounds way better and more fitting for the characters and situations

  7. Meh I tried playing FF14 years ago & couldn’t get into it the story was okay but it was like watching a Japanese anime cartoon with a little bit of combat added & the quests were horribly placed all over the map plus having to change clothes when doing say mining ⛏️ didn’t help either

  8. what in the seven hells. people were told not to expect the same level of epicness as endwalker. we are staring a new ark. they said in every fanfest that the player character was going to be a sidekick, the ending of the story opens new ways for the devs to continue the story. I already finish the msq and I can say it was good the first half of the game is supposed to be slow by design. if they hate the va of wuk lamat the they will hate that most of dawntrail's va are from Latin America just to fit the characters. People are just looking for excuses to be mad

  9. I didn't know the VA was even trans. The character is female and the voice sounds female and the acting part is good. It's called voice ACTING, not mandatory self-insertion.

  10. Lol so ppl complain they are not the center of the story. Throughout the MSQ you are the one that solves pretty much EVERYTHING and they give you good lines as advise to ther players who are affected in a relevant way by those lines you say.

    The issue is that Yoshida didn't get a Sweet Baby Inc/ Black Girl Gamers consultorship for FFXIV so the agenda peddlers are looking to create a non-existing, completely manufactured "issue" supposedly to make Square Enix feel the need for them given that the investors are dropping Sweet Baby Inc because it is so toxic that it's now bad optics to be listed as their client.

  11. I’ve been with FFXIV since the launch of 1.0 and just finished Dawntrail main story. As far as MSQ goes, Dawntrail is the worst one yet and it has nothing to do with “trans phobia”. These journalists are morons.

  12. Honestly dont care if the va is trans.
    As long as the voices are done well I dont care who plays the role.
    And as long as there isnt a hint of agenda pushing in the story itself, which so far ive seen nothing that would lead me to think so.
    I think wuks voice is fine too, wouldnt have even known without some rage-bait article pointing it out.

  13. Woke asshats grabbing at anything to fuck things up. Imagine the horror when they learn the LGBT characters in MGS were voiced by hetero people of that in Frasier David Hyde Pierce and Dan Butler who are both gay irl were playing hetero characters. gasp The horror.

    Bloody morons. Seriously who gives a shit what the sexuality/gender an actor/actress is. They're there to ACT.

  14. People aren't complaining about why the world isn't ending. The problem is that WoL is basically just an errand boy, that's not just "taking a step back" it's removing us from any meaningful plot points. Whether we are fighting the end of the world or raiding a bandit camp does not matter, we should still have some agency over what happens.

    All I personally wanted was to just go back to casual adventuring with the Scions, you know, going into dungeons etc. I didn't wanna be glued to this yapping cat for hours without any impact on what's happening.

  15. When will they figure out that we have no problem with gay or trans ppl? Thats NOT what the backlash is about. We are pissed off because it's shoehorned into everything and NEVER feels natural, it feels forced. Shortly before the Nintendo 3DS eshop closed last year, a game dev friend of mine released a few last minute games in the "Silver Falls" series. It has a small but loyal fan base. So one of the games, "Silver Falls: Ruby River", has a storyline where you learn the main character you play as is Gay. But guess what? Nobody knew that was coming, it wasn't pushed as the first gay open world base builder survival horror game lol. Nobody had ANY problem with it, nobody called it "woke". Because it was an important part of the carefully written story. The character being gay was just a small detail of a complex character. Him being gay wasn't the focus, my game dev friend wasn't trying to score DEI points like all these other studios are. That's what we are annoyed about, that's why we are pissed. They are pandering and forcing these gay circles into square holes just so it can be bragged about and articles written about it. When will they finally GET IT? When?

  16. It is woke. It has always been woke. Japan thinks Murica is CALIFORNIA ONLY. Most people in their english localization are woke pink haired californians. So, yeah. Also the vast majority of the community is gay as fuck. I like the game, I play it without really paying too much attention unless the community starts plucking their feathers and acting up then I just stop playing for a while. I am a lore skipper so IDGAF about who is voicing what. After Endwalker, and some of stormblood story doesnt really grabs me anyway.

  17. Do we really care what the VA looks like or what they identify as? I thought the point of voice acting is to act with your voice. If this person has the right voice for the role, then let them. Otherwise I don’t care.


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