[FFXIV] Paladin Mains Before vs After Patch 6.3 #ffxiv

Paladin mains before patch 6.3 vs after patch 6.3
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24 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Paladin Mains Before vs After Patch 6.3 #ffxiv”

  1. As a savage raider I'm most excited for the sheltron change, they are removing block from it which is great. In the p5-8s tier playing pld was suffering because every tb was mainly a dot which a pld can't block cause SE hates paladin's block since this game came out

  2. Too early to tell whether the rework is worth celebrating. PLD is not in a bad place right now (before the rework) while having its crazy flexible rotation that you can tailor to individual fights.
    For all we know, this patch could turn PLD from big-brain spreadsheet rotation into a braindead 2 minutes burst monkey…
    I'm not very enthusiastic about a PLD rework, especially not after what they did to SMN when they reworked it.


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