Paladin mains before patch 6.3 vs after patch 6.3
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I don't know most of the Paladin means I know don't like that they're just going to homogenize one of the last remaining jobs with some identity all for the sake of an already bullshit meta.
There is nothing in the patch notes about PLDs getting reworks…
I don't think it changes that much. I mean there is no Gordian blade and blade of valor dot now? That is a bummer tbh
As a savage raider I'm most excited for the sheltron change, they are removing block from it which is great. In the p5-8s tier playing pld was suffering because every tb was mainly a dot which a pld can't block cause SE hates paladin's block since this game came out
Can't wait until my beloved Mainjob become just another empty soulless grey pile of nothing just for fucking metaplay
As a paladin main I’m glad that I no longer have to feel awkward if I fuck up the last goring blade on the tail end of my fight or flight by fat fingering royal authority :3
MCH before 6.3
Party Finder: 'can u change 2 dancer'
MCH after 6.3
Party Finder: 'can u change 2 dancer'
So gunbreaker dosnt hang out with rest of the tanks.
I don't think this will age well lol…
FFXIV's job reworks have not been great recently. There are a couple things you will celebrate, sure. But the overall losses will be great…
PLD was the first job I did MSQ with all the way to 90, I'm glad they are fixing some of the problems
Honestly looking forward to change cuz I like the aesthetic of pld but I don’t like current pld so can’t wait to try the changes
Do we even know how it will change?
Imagine reworking classes to fit your shitty 2 minute meta instead of changing the meta.
Couldn't be XIV
Wait, what? Are the final patch notes out already?
Sad to see another job probably about to travel the route of the 6.0 summoner.. so few jobs feel actually unique anymore, they better not make it WAR version 3
Too early to tell whether the rework is worth celebrating. PLD is not in a bad place right now (before the rework) while having its crazy flexible rotation that you can tailor to individual fights.
For all we know, this patch could turn PLD from big-brain spreadsheet rotation into a braindead 2 minutes burst monkey…
I'm not very enthusiastic about a PLD rework, especially not after what they did to SMN when they reworked it.
We will see, I can mess up every rotation. Every. 🙂
Been a PLD main since 2.4 (yes, even through HW) and I'm stoked for these changes.
Ted being a Dark Knight and Marshall being a Warrior fits really well.
Too bad now it just feels like shit
New paladin is more fun lol having 2 dots is so boring and so stupid that the final blade combo is the same dot as goring
Everyone in Limsa was all Doom and Gloom about the pally changes when I was loitering around the place right before the patch server downage. odd.
I'm dummy and can't really fully grasp the changes, just that I have to learn the new rotation that the bigbrains have figured out and my muscle memory is worth NOTHING now lmao