FFXIV OST The Dead Ends ( Of Countless Stars ) with Meteion narration (SPOILERS) ( English )

Title of the song is Of Countless Stars.

In this video i cut up the narration from the dungeon and merged it with the dungeon theme, so that it could work as a flowing audio experience.

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FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


21 thoughts on “FFXIV OST The Dead Ends ( Of Countless Stars ) with Meteion narration (SPOILERS) ( English )”

  1. Idk what it is but holding the silence until the WoL opens their eyes and then kicking in the music adds so much imo
    Just the sense of traveling through nothingness to reach a place that has embraced nothingness. . .but fight on you must

  2. Such a great job editing this. I think the only thing that could of made it better would be having chat bubbles on the NPCs so you can see what they are saying as that really added to the atmosphere of the zone

  3. "Follow me into the darkest depths of despair…" Really? because it looks like I'm walking into an obvious trap, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(this continues until we beat Ra-La)iiiiiiiiiitch

  4. Only FF14 would be able to make the line “They all slept happily ever after.” so chilling. This dungeon makes me so sad, yet it’s one of my favorites because of how well it’s done

  5. I will always say "Peacekeeper should have been the final boss of this dungeon!" and "If any part of this story of Meteion's is true, it's everything before the defeat of Caustic Grebuloff. Afterward they show themselves become corrupted." They were created by a criminally insane demi-god and corrupted by their prolonged exposure to the elements of the heavens. The Meteion aren't reliable narrators.


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