Clear returns to the Sagoli to complete her sandfishing quest for the Fishermen’s Guild, plays a few games of Triple Triad, and starts hunting FATEs in order to complete her challenge log.
00:00 Inventory maintenance and returning to the Sagoli
06:55 Fishing in the Sagoli Desert
19:22 Completing the fisherman’s job quest, A Fish out of Water
21:14 Commencing the fisherman’s job quest, Fishing in the Rain
28:20 Continuing the side quest, Saw that One Coming
30:35 Triple Triad challenge with Noes
36:08 Checking in with the Itinerant Moogle
37:12 Triple Triad challenge with Maisenta
42:43 Joining the FATE, No Birds Allowed
44:36 Completing the FATE, No Birds Allowed
44:46 Conjurer’s Hunting Log: midge swarm
46:57 Joining the FATE, Dschubba Snacks
48:08 Completing the FATE, Dschubba Snacks
49:46 Joining the FATE, Don’t Disturb This Grove
The Moogle Treasure Trove 1st Hunt for Genesis is an event held in Final Fantasy XIV at odd intervals of time. This character was designed just to explore what celebrations are all about…and to see how a character might develop if its main focus was on participating in events.
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