Today I’ll be checking out Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail Live Letter.
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Bunny girls are more important.
Still no voice over ?
Yoshi-P needs to let us keep bright limbal rings on Au Ra, or just make it a character creator option
I kinda agree on gap closers – most of the time they are not being used for their intended purpose but just as normal oGCD. But then, it's up to player to know when he's going to need a gap closer to leave one charge instead dumping it all.
When it comes to positionals – one in normal combo (so you have to maintain your position on the boss) and additional on cooldown weaponskills is probably the best solution. Ideally, I'd like that there would be something different to positional than just potency increases, like when used from the rear a skill would apply a DoT and when used from the side, it would enable an extra (o)GCD, fill up your job gauge faster or give you a buff, etc.