FFXIV Nerfs Savage | New World Fresh Start Servers | WoW Classic Servers

FFXIV Nerfs Savage | New World Fresh Start Servers | WoW Classic Servers
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0:00 Pre-show Q&A
6:57 WoW Classic Servers Overloaded
32:00 Short Break 1
34:56 New World Fresh Start Servers
1:01:25 Short Break 2
1:03:52 FFXIV Nerfs Savage


6 thoughts on “FFXIV Nerfs Savage | New World Fresh Start Servers | WoW Classic Servers”

  1. Listening to this and thinking about the "classic" progression of servers when Chris mentioned Warlords of Daenor (and this would probably be 6+ years out). The expansion of the garrison system would be interesting as would them having the time to work on some of the "unfinished" content because we know there was one raid that never got put into the game since they cut that expansion short. Maybe have it added in as "Plus" content.

    With New World.. I'm all for FS servers and I would happily delete my character to start on one. I left when the dupes were still a thing. I did hit 60 but my water mark wasn't all that high. As what to do with I'd say give the FS servers 3 months.. if the population is decent leave them be.. if not then the merge system is there.. I'm one of the ones that is interested in the land rush and would prefer if we didn't have someone with a bunch of gold coming on the server and just running up and taking towns while the rest of us are scratching our ass on the beach with the initial quests. I would say Transfers off whenever if someone likes the game and wants to play with friends.. transfer to.. not sure but at least a month.

  2. I would be super fine with the kind of balance Chris talks about – but only if we knew that was the deal in advance.

    People form teams to try and clear week 1. They take time off, keep a weekend open etc. And every tier since Creator has had a dps check that's allowed for some wiggle room on your player quality. So you have a lot of groups that are fine with having a couple B+/A- players, let people swap roles this tier for funsies, just form up based on people they like to play with or post-clear plans or etc. And of course, people plan to play whatever job they want and still expect that week 1 clear to be attainable.

    The unusually high dps check pulled the rug out from a bunch of those groups, suddenly and out of nowhere, especially since the expectation was set by SE that the checks would be easier due to not adjusting for the added week of tomes. That… wasn't really cool, having been on that rug, not life-ruining or anything but it would have been nice to know. To set expectations better, or discuss job choice with the group a bit more, funnel gear better, or what have you.

    Once the deed was done, they had the option to declare this the new normal. I wouldn't have minded and I don't think too many would have. SE declined though, and rather via the nerf made it very clear that is not their intent. I'm sure they have whatever design philosophical reasons for that they have, it's above my pay grade.

    On Machinist, its tuning is actually fine right now, within the role. At least, as fine as it will ever be. It's on par with, up to far better than, the other ranged in 95+% of contexts. Just, not the top end highly coordinated static context. But as a balancing question that has to be a place for Bard and Dancer to shine because of the way those jobs work, so Machinist is doomed to always be on the outside when it comes to speed run groups, or top end groups faced with really tight dps checks.

    The real issue with Machinist is more broadly about the dps chasm between ranged/SMN/RDM and the melee+BLM. A lot of MCH players are inclined to compare it to Samurai – they expect one "selfish dps" to live in the same zipcode as the others. But because SE keeps all the ranged down at a lower damage tier, those MCHs have always felt vastly inferior. While also not being part of the top-end meta. And it's been like this since 4.0. That's a long time of building frustration.

    Between a dps check that demanded the meta that MCH is not and cannot be a part of, and the gigantic hitboxes this tier make the ranged vs melee damage gap look even more silly, SE is really pouring salt in all of the wounds for MCHs right now.


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