FFXIV: Endwalker | Patch 6.3 Trailer Reaction & Commentary

It’s Christmas, I wasn’t expecting a trailer with the live letter, so this whole video is a one-take reaction mess, which there was no time to properly edit. If you like Chaos (cue Stranger of Paradise memes) then this is the reaction video for you. I spend more time trying to work out who the gods are in the Alliance Raid bits than I do anything else.


I’ll put up a better thumbnail when I have time. Enjoy Loporitts for now.


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#FFXIV #trailer #reaction


3 thoughts on “FFXIV: Endwalker | Patch 6.3 Trailer Reaction & Commentary”

  1. Extra Thoughts:

    @2:41 – Possibly Y'shtola
    @11:37 – Pretty certain upon rewatch that this is Menphina, goddess of the moon and love, which is why she shows up later with a wolf (lunar symbol) and wears a dress with ice motif (since that's her elemental affinity)
    @15:57 – The Warrior of Light is completely obscured behind the NPC here, but the miqo in summoner garb is definitely not us.

  2. The miqot is an alrdy existing NPC tied to Crystal tower raid, she was a weekly quest giver ? with a weird story (supposedly, one member of the crew working on Allagan's ruins being possessed by the spirit of an old wizzard/scientist ?)


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