FFXIV NEEDS to Teach This – Hall of Novice Update Thoughts

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40 thoughts on “FFXIV NEEDS to Teach This – Hall of Novice Update Thoughts”

  1. The game is great at showing people mechanics via visuals but a lot of high in content does not have telegraphed visuals The game needs to be better at teaching us how to Read mechanics via other visual types

  2. It's not foolproof, but almost everything that goes through rez invuln is what I consider to be a ground effect. That's going to include knockbacks, puddles on the ground, lack of ground (as noted in the video), and death walls. At the very least, it's a good rule of thumb that you can tack on exceptions to like Byakko's raidwide and "the boss gauge filled so you lose" mechanics. Maybe those are coded the same way for some reason?

  3. At first I thought that maybe boss specific training but the more I thought about it the more it seems that would ruin the experience. Because if you can go into the latest raid tier and essentially have trial runs to practice wouldn't that ruin the experience? Obviously players already do this themselves for practice but to have it an in-game tutorial on a fight I think would take too much fun out of actually figuring out the fight.

  4. I think a great thing to emphasize would be reading your debuffs when you aren't sure about a mechanic . There's plenty of mechanics even in the MSQ that are pretty difficult to intuit but have hints or full explanations in the debuff description. The first that comes to my mind is the Mortal Flame debuff from the final boss of The Grand Cosmos dungeon, which requires you to pass the debuff to furniture in the room.
    I imagine a way to tutorialize it would be:
    Have the instructor explain that some markers may be unclear, in that case the debuff marker may have helpful information about the attack.

    Put ambiguous markers over the heads of players/NPCs and grant a debuff, something like "Outrunning Death" with a description of "Certain death when timer reaches 0, using sprint will cleanse this debuff", the solution being both universal and unlikely to be done by accident.

    Have the NPCs fail the mechanic if the player fails, so they can't teach the player the solution without looking at the debuff.

    I'm not sure how debuff descriptions work for console players so that might be an issue.

  5. I'd like to see in-game practice mechanics, without having to start a fight all over from the beginning to get up to a certain point and wipe every time. I've seen sims, but would rather see it all in-game instead. Depending on the person, time is a major factor, and learning the chaotic raid for example was one I personally thought I wouldn't be able to do. Having cleared it now thanks to the many videos and guides, everyone learns differently, and having different forms of educational material can only help. 😎

  6. Honestly, the more that it taught in the hall and the more we can practice the better. The point on transcendence is critical. I've played since 2.0 and it's the first I'm hearing of it. I had noticed an invuln but never put it together till you explained it.

  7. After doing the new hall, I was also disappointed by the lack of tether swap mechanics. I would love to see the addition of doom, text based mechanics, and line of sight aoes (if they covered this, I honestly forget).

    On the subject of rotation practicing, I feel like this feature is a natural extension of Stone Sky Sea. The backend for implementing it though seems like it won't ever happen though. Plus this is something, like the dps meter, that people want but the dev team likely hesitates to add as it is a potential point for harassing others.

  8. Because it seems to be their new favorite trick when designing mechanics, teaching new players to observe the outer edges of their screens and even rotate the camera around to find that one attack marker or markers that going to shoot something across the field would be nice. "Simon says" style patterns too because they also love those nowadays.

  9. if you wanna get technical; when you rez, you have more then the 5 second invuln; abused that fact for Sycus Tower Amon Ultimate in order to clear.
    Edit; something i think could be added is teaching the different Tank Buster Markers since a lot of people don't know how to tell what kind of tank buster is based on the symbol(although i will miss teasing people by chasing them with a Single target Buster).

  10. I doubt anything related to skills/spells/abilities would make it into the Hall of the Novice. I'd imagine the devs would want the freedom to change/add/remove such things without also impacting instructive content like Hall of the Novice.

  11. We need enemies to have auto attack cleaves again, I still get a laugh out if dun scaith every time the tank joins the stack and you see half the raid get slapped by Diablos.

  12. I think in general, the new Hall of the Novice is excellent. It teaches you more complex stuff than I would have ever expected out of a tutorial. In fact, there's more than enough to give you the tools to later extrapolate how the more complex versions of mechanics work. That said, I think the point about transcendence is a good one. There's that and a couple more unintuitive mechanics that a "Hall of the Expert" would be good for – things like LB generation methods and the way LB does fixed damage based on item level, for example, or how debuffs with lines over them are dispellable.

  13. I think they need to merge Hall of Novice with Guildhests and with… What's its name… The one you use to see if your DPS is good enough for raids? I never used it, so don't remember the name. Guildshests were meant to help you learn mechanics, too, right? And the DPS thing is kind of training, as well. So it could be that you have a practice in Hall of Novice with NPC and then you are sent to try this in "real battle with fellow cadets" (that would be the lore flavor). And DPS thing could be introduced as simulations or maybe even use the same dummies, but with the ranking and reward based on your contribution. Maybe with a bit of attacks from dummies for a challenge, but without the overlaps as in actual raids. It also could be merged with Grand Company recruits, like to train *them*, even if they are just observers of guildhests encounters. But we all know Yoshi does not really tend to revitalizing past content, unless he have to.

  14. The biggest problem is people still tend to not read their abilities/tips. When tips pop up for new abilities, they just auto close them. That is why people still have issues not understanding Umbral Ice/Astral Fire or the line that represents what debuffs can be dispelled or how the cast bar looks like when it is interruptible

  15. BTW the mic quality in here, not a single squeak 🙂

    Yeah I need to get my friend and his gang of people to do the HotN … one got a STACK marker and /sprint ed away from us…. Classic.

  16. For absolute beginners there are other things that could be useful. I was totally clueless when I started and took a while to understand that you can't block or avoid auto attacks. I still see people running around trying to avoid these. Only move when you are in a marker or to prepare for some kind of mechanic. I also didn't understand why I would still get hit when standing outside of a marked zone, because there is a delay between the moment where the marker disappears and when the animation goes off. That's confusing for a lot of people, they are probably wondering why you are moving right into attacks here. So many small things that took a long time for me to understand.

  17. One thing the game can't teach new sprouts and even some people with mentor crowns is common sense. There was this one time I got into a heated argument with what seemed to be a mentor so I assumed that all players with crown icons know or remember older content. I tried to educate them that even through they're a range melee, it's still best to stay near the rear of the boss with the rest of the raid, including where the healer would be. Reason being is that aoe healing and buffs during burst windows may not reach them if they're out in Narnia somewhere. And then they're just getting mad that I'm not untargeting my tanks to give them their spot healing for being special and standing alone someplace. Even my rez distance is limited and won't reach you if you're halfway to Azeroth.

  18. Really, I just feel they should make the hall of novice a requirement for any player that purchases the level skips. I'm STILL getting into lvl80+ duties where tanks don't understand rudimentary tank concepts, people don't know what real basic markers mean, and stuff like that. Make it a requirement so we can lessen the ignorance from level skippers.

  19. 5:45 it would turn FFXIV into a dance dance game but I like the idea 😂. Also I think leaving some mechanical, like the multi hit stack mechanic, discoverable during a fight makes it interesting to figure out. Figuring out what to do, even at an intermediate level, makes the game interesting, like running a raid for the first time.

  20. The healer role quests for Dawntrail focused almost exclusively on Esuna so it's definitely doable to teach players their class (sometimes). Also seconding your suggestion for a "Hall of Battle Minutiae" that demonstrates things like rez immunity and "styx/akh morn" and other attacks. P.S. the ring was a perfect reward as the worst level range to grind is 50-61.

  21. There need to be an education for Tanks not to spam taunt on Cooldowon expecialy in alliance raids , got killed 2 times today cause a boss turned to the group after a taunt -.- wish there was a slider for smart playing in the game options

  22. I want them to add boss positioning to the tank training. I've heard a lot of people joke about how they put Heavensfall Trio in the new tactical training (knockback, then get in a tower), so why not give tanks Twintania For Babies- a boss that you need to move to a couple of different spots, and face in the correct direction so your melee NPCs can hit it. Endwalker really did a number on this aspect of tanking with the amount of room-sized bosses, a lot of tanks would benefit from this kind of exercise.

  23. Related to Transcendence, is raising in general, both old and new often fail to realize it puts you at where the healer WAS not where they ARE.

    I wish the game left some sort of temp “visible you only” marker that shows where you will be at when you click accept

    This is a big thing in trial/raid arena that change shape/state

    It’s very easy to miss, but there is a brief faint arc from casting healer to your body as the res is cast and that tells you where you will be moved to, but it’s like 0.5s long animation affect in usually a hectic visual cacophony

  24. Transcendence is so important for players to know about and I find people 50/50 don’t utilize it. As a healer main, sometimes I prioritize heals and shields based on counting on you having those 5 secs of invuln after you get rezzed. I’ve gotten snapped at for not giving heals right away in many situations. It’s not my fault all the time if you die because you used an action early.

  25. I agree whole heartedly! A lot of the problems with the game is that a lot of mechanics have a very, "baptism by fire," system so some more additions to the Hall of the Novice would be welcome Transcendence being one of them. If I got a dollar for how many times I've seen players IMMEDIATELY use an ability right after getting rezzed and then put down again, I could buy the whole game from Squeenix.😖😖😖
    So far about my only real gripe is the current expansion. It's OK. Not incredible like Shadowbringers and Endwalker were but its mid tier. Reminds me a bit of Stormblood in a way as that was when the game felt lackluster.

  26. Another thing square Enix needs to teach is role skills and when to use them I have seen tons of tanks who spam provoke and who do not use defensive buffs such as rampart and tons of healers who do not know about Lucid Dreaming

  27. I had someone IN CHAOTIC at level ONE HUNDRED ask why we didn't just stack all the stack markers and take it as a full alliance. I'd say they need to teach about high level vulns but… really that should just be known by that level, official training or not.

  28. I just returned to ff14 I play in chaos Sagittarius and I’m struggling to find a fc what I look for to play with people doing dungeons and raids and learn new raids etc I can’t seem to find any fc like this I’ll probably stop playing again 😅

  29. I said it before they updated the HotN that it should be mandatory before doing instanced content, and now that the leagues better updated one exists IT NEEDS TO BE MANDATORY BEFORE INSTANCED CONTENT. Transcendence would be a good lesson to add.

  30. so many people get to current content after dragging their feet rthrough MSQ and go "oh wow this hurts"

    Not necessarily that stuff needs to be HARDER, but I'd definitely appreciate if at least 4.x and shadowbringers content would start punishing people for failed mechanics. Too many people skirt by and then get into Dawntrail like "oh wow". Not enough people think about WHY they die or think about mechanics


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