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I'm terrible at this game, but Rhalgr killed me at least 12 times by himself xD.
this raid is is amazing. it already felt like 3rd tier of the alliance raid series. cant imagine what the next two is gonna be like.
360p still 😭 sorry bruv I can’t suffer through 360p
From what I noticed, the mock sole is like Odin. And takes its appearance from your character
Who doesn’t love that theme for Nald’thal? Also, I think it’s hilarious seeing players run from Thal’s balls. Who wants to bet that was intentional on the devs’ part.
It looks like 24 man raid feels like Savage and wat exciting is you cant control your party 🙂
I think the tethers on the last boss might partly be there to help indicate what move each alliance should focus down. Many times we’ve gotten 3 adds in alliances and parties would get all mixed up on who they should fight.
Edit: someone said it’s also for the weights though I’m not sure on that.
360p in 2022 ugh . . . . . . .
This and Orbonne are definitely the best ones thus far.
The 1st day of these is such a ride. So fun to see everyone die to a mechanic. The music is so good. Makes it so epic when you clutch a kill.
Here's is to no more collabs for major content
First bits a find a bit boring, naldthal is amazing. Got the orchestion scroll of the naldthal music. Dont mind running it all in all. Dead adds are really heavy 🙂
As far as I can tell, the tethers are there to measure your weight. The weight of the soul varies based on how many people are alive in each alliance, so it’s always possible to balance the scales.
Halfway through the last boss I was expecting Shantae to come out of nowhere to save us
A strong run.
I HATE that! Q for a dungeon or raid and you get "one of your items is damaged". Why not tell my BEFORE I queued?
Might be a coincidence, but i find it curious how Rhalgr's emissary is wielding an axe that looks uncannily similar to the axe you can get from Ramuh.
Soooo, "Thal's balls" is actually mean "Thal is balls"
24 man was AMAZING but holy %&$# the damage in your Alliance Raid
I love the aesthetics and spectacle of this first raid, literally my only hope for the next ones is for them to be harder tbh. We have too many tools to rez and so many jobs have heals, we didn't have a single wipe on my first run, and it's not because the mechanics weren't unique, it's just some of them are way too forgiving for how insane our kits are IMO. I'm not a huge fan of the armor either, we're getting a lot of white greek glam that's very similar.
is anybody else hearing the boss voices like they're very far away? never happened to me in the game
The only bad thing about this raid I can say is that I don't really like Thal's voice in English. xD It's not like "bad", but overall I think Nald'thal has more personality in Japanese.
Also I believe Byregot shares the voice of Thunder God Cid in JP, so that's a fun similarity to add to the list.
I love when new alliance raids come out! It’s the best thing to see big groups of players figuring out mechanics for the first time
I died so much in this, we would literally have 5 out of 24 people alive but never group wiped. It’s very forgiving.
This is the most fun I have had day one 24 man. Going back in tonight because I didn’t get any gear drops.
I had a lot of fun in this as my first time doing a raid on day 1. It would've been more fun if I didn't accidentally need on piece of gear I can't use though lol
This is such a fun Alliance Raid. Your run went a lot cleaner then my first lol.
I absolutely loved the 2nd boss fight. The way the mechanics made use of the unique arena was incredibly, and I laughed out loud so many times.
First run ate more floor then being alive
i loved this so much
This raid was super fun and I loveee how unique the battle areas look
This raid was amazing…and also frustrating cuz we won’t see more for like 8 months and PLEAAASEEEE DADDY YOSHIP LEMME SEE THE REST
I've done this about 5 times yesterday chasing a chestpiece, we never got the balance right the first time xD
You killed Byregot before the raid wiping mechanic. Your dps was too good. There’s a hammer dropped, hammer shifting the arena, and a half room wide cleave all combined to only create 1 safe space. You end up seeing 3-6 people surviving it, while the other 18-21 people wipe. It’s truly hilarious.