FFXIV: My thoughts on job actions & PLL 66

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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

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33 thoughts on “FFXIV: My thoughts on job actions & PLL 66”

  1. Gunbreaker isn't complicated. It's bloated. It's a mess. Condensing continuation into two buttons is absolutely fucking merciful if they want to continue adding buttons to the class.

  2. Pretty much all jobs rotation change in EW. Some got more combo actions , other got less but require to pay attention to mechanics.

    Nothing we know right now will be the final product. SCH probably one of those job will get another rework because it doesn’t do what’s supposed to be.

  3. I don't really like the way they had to dumb down SMN into an AST situation, removing dots because some players are unable to keep up with their dots. It's the same with AST cards losing all it's individuality because people were confused with which cards to use, and what card does what. Lowering a skill level of a certain class for a certain demographic doesn't exactly mean fixing it. Being said, I do like the fact that we can finally summon actual primals. Shiva, Ramuh, Leviathan when?

  4. Spellcasters and even some melee characters like Samurai still look super slow. If I don't quit the game and I ever play one, frick the meta, I'm going full skillspeed to fix them. SMN, NIN, DRG and the 2 new jobs are the only jobs that look like they should. I would also include MCH but the gun sounds are sooo bad.

  5. I'm sticking to GNB though I'm a bit worried as well, I hope they keep the complexity of the job because I absolutely love it.
    I may also try Paladin more seriously? And Sage. I'm gonna level up my Ninja because it looks absolutely awesome.

  6. I love that instead of adding a ton of new moves, they're apparently upgrading more old moves as you level up. I feel like that's more satisfying. Also, SMN looks amazing now. I love the rework.

  7. I had an idea, a gap closer or reverse rescue by the fairy so you can pre position the fairy to your rescue spot, and have the fairy rescue you… or a dash to the fairy, something like that for SCH… now how to we tell SE this?

  8. As a person who fell in love with Scholar when playing the game… A combat Pelaton is not what it needed or wanted. It needed the gauge removed or reworked, and same went for other moves like the shield extender (as if your shield is lasting longer than the base timer in any synced content). It needs a rework. And the fairy isn’t helping much anymore with Embrace. If they made the Faerie Gauge actually easy to learn, actually feel good to use… I like what Scholar is but Sage does everything it does and much more while being easier to use and so much flashier.

  9. To me, it was surprisingly sloppy of the dev team to showcase the sage so well and the scholar so poorly, especially when you consider that the Sage has new-job hype behind it and they will be in direct competition with each other. My copium keeps telling me the single target buff will be well worth it.

  10. I've been a SCH main since ARR and I didn't really like the direction it went in Shadowbringers, so I wasn't exactly thrilled with what they showed in the job action trailer since it looked almost exactly the same.
    Personally I really want the DoT mage/healer back, or an improvement on that aesthetic.

  11. I really hope Moomba is a beastribe…. We got the Laguna outfit in Stormblood, Eden in Shadowbringers…. hoping Moomba beasttribe with Laguna being the only quest giver as they can only say "Laguna! Laguna!" Or… it's a Shumi beastribe and you have to help them reach their final form, a Moomba.

  12. I don't understand it. DISCLAIMER – I DO NOT PROG RAID. I play Scholar occasionally and it plays a lot like Disc priest with shields and heals, and you have Tinkerbell to fill in the gaps. I'm not sure what people were expecting, but this seems like a "if it isn't broken…" situation. Furthermore, I'm one of those bad BLM players too (I only levelled it so I could be an Omni-80) and I'm glad it's being rolled baseline. I think it'll make BLM more approachable, and we'll see a lot of them in EW.

  13. I was really lolking forward to the strategy needed for astro. No longer even going to touch that class moving forward. Ive been loving scholat but when i look how it used to be it makes me not want to play it now. Summoner looks amazing, its exactly what i wanted! Since sage is gunna get old really quick looks like my main healer is white mage from now on lol. Everythi g else is just improvements so yay kinda haha

  14. As a RDM main, I’m really excited after hearing some new changes and new actions they have added! The new Verholy look and the new one added after Scorch! 🥰 Overall, I’m really excited for Endwalker! Also thank you for a wonderful summary of your thoughts on all the jobs!

  15. If you wanted to pause the video whilst you spoke about things not on screen/ related to what's happening on screen, I don't think that would go remiss. E.g. you spent like 90% of the ninja stuff not talking about ninja at all

  16. MCH is among the jobs that got the short end of the stick.

    Flamethrower is a relic ability from SB and it just doesn't fits in the game anymore. It was one of the most expected ability to be reworked but… Nothing happened.

  17. Hey man, Scholar running up and slapping the ground is >PRIME< SCH action. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just sit over in the corner and stare enviously at all of the rest of the cool stuff shown off.

  18. It doesn't seem like they're simplifying it.. they are. 🤣
    Plus yes, we get a new shield healer woohoo, but that doesn't mean they should leave behind the previous and original shield healers. :< It was really disappointing to see nothing made new for SCH or fixed*. I'm still hoping they didn't we won't really know until we get the true update when they release notes on it. *Fingers crossed

  19. less buttons =/= simplifying, it just means less bloat.
    It looks like WHM are getting a WoW shaman totem. lol
    Summoner, Monk, Reaper, and Dancer were the highlights for me. I like sage as well, but i'm not a healer.

  20. I feel like they hate Scholar since Shadowbringers. I've played Scholar as my main healing job in Stormblood and it was amazingly fluid and intuitive gameplay, what I prefer over the opposite…
    Of course, they had to do adjustments for the healer classes in SHB and especially Whitemage got its time to shine! But I played WHM too much 2.0 forward and wanted something new for me.
    But Astrologian? Meh… i don't like the card system changes. Yes it is a bit easier to play, but it just makes 0 sense in gameplay, has no impact in dps and feels sluggish.
    Same for Scholar. They shrank down everything, cut through all the good skills, and made him a boring shield slave…

    Yes the healer are for healing the grp but even that part felt not refined enough… so much for the overhaul 5.0

    And now sholar gets even more bulied !!! :'D hope AST makes fun now I will def try out sage!


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