FFXIV Min iLvl Praetorium – New Player Experience – FFXIV Funny Twitch Highlights

FFXIV Min iLvl Praetorium as a new player.

Hope you’re all having one, wanted to share another FFXIV twitch highlights video with you all. The main thing here is the minimum ilvl Praetorium run, and then some other fun things in between.

I really hope you like this style of video, would love to know what you think in the comments. The next FFXIV stream will be this evening if anyone wants to come watch live:

We’re gonna be doing Crystal Tower at min iLvl next which should be fun, would love to see you there.

Also, let me know if there is any other FFXIV content you want to see 🙂

Thanks for watching everyone, the next part of the FFXIV series will be out either tomorrow or the next day!


33 thoughts on “FFXIV Min iLvl Praetorium – New Player Experience – FFXIV Funny Twitch Highlights”

  1. Me and the 2 friends I started ffxiv with stayed up till 3am doing castrum and prae because we were determined to finish ARR that night. We were so tired but worth it!

  2. Gotta love that streamer privilege lol. If a normal player tried to get a group to do Prae at min ilvl you'd just be told to ask guild mates or friends at best and to fuck off at worst. The community is nice when they can get on camera but any other time it's just as selfish and uncaring as any other MMO community lol

  3. I’m glad you had a good group and had a great experience in there! My first time in there was back when people could skip the cutscenes and then being on ps3….loading everywhere and getting left behind that I couldn’t do much of the fights. Everyone said to just skip the cutscenes and watch it afterwards in the inn >.>

  4. my god i still freaking love the change of the melody in the final part of the ultima fight, i love it!! its one of my top fav songs of the game

  5. Hey dude, been enjoying all of your videos, they've made me realize how much I missed playing ffxiv with some of my friends and got me playing again!
    One thing I noticed though is that you never seem to use Blood for Blood! Make sure to use it when you've got your jumps up for max dps
    edit: right after I made this comment around the 20ish minute mark you started using it

  6. i didn't get to do this at min ilvl so it's really nice to see you do it as a player and experience all the highs in person. next time you run prae, you can enjoy it in all its memey goodness. XD cheers!

  7. Had to be rushed to the ER. Gonna spend ages in a hospital ward.
    Big-brain mother packs my laptop.
    BIg-awesome Marty makes a 35 min video for me to distract myself with.

    I have no complaints.

  8. You think this is hard? I did min ilvl Titan Extreme one time. My group wiped 11 times before we finally cleared it with only 4 min to go on the instance timer. It was amazingly fun, but so hard. Best part was that it was a PUG (I didn't know anyone from the Party Finder), no comms, and no one rage quit or raged in chat.

  9. It's a typical Final Fantasy ending. Progressively more difficult fights leading up to the final battle, followed by a relatively easy victory lap.

    From 1.0 to this, the final sequence was wonderfully rewarding because all of those characters were in 1.0.

  10. You think that última milf was hard, try the ultima bane you unlock in Mor Dhona the bard who is the kameo of Yoshida. (yes Yoshida is IN the game as the bard who sing the Banes), try it milf btw that was our extreme after, Garuda then Titan and finally Ifrit to complete the 4 first extremes we got it.

  11. Ohh that looked really fun it was nice to actually see the mechanics!! I just finished catching up to your FFXIV videos and they've been so nice to watch thank you so much for making them!! I only really started playing about a year ago but it's still so nice to look back at the start and re appreciate the details of the start of the game! Plus I learned a few things haha! I'm glad you're having so much fun!!

  12. Have you tried the expanded Free Trial of our critically acclaimed MMORPG #FFXIV?

    You can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime! 😲

  13. Very nice. Tanking that floor like a true DGR already I see. As a DRG main, this brings a tear to my eye.

    Oh, also – not as relevant for this one, but definitely for many later parts – I'd love to see your reactions to the story bits after the dungeon/trial/whatever it be. Those are the best part honestly haha

  14. healers workin their ***es off in that Ultima fight when everyone kept dying and getting rezzes. Can imagine the intensity of the healer role. Seems toughest in the game, honestly. I'll be trying Scholar endgame, hoping it is as challenging as it looks – I love a challenge.

  15. You should get a party and do Ultima's Bane with Minimum Item Level. Unlock it with the Wandering Minstrel at the tavern outside of the Rising Stones in Mor'Dhona. It's basically Ultima Extreme, and it's a fantastic early example of how amazing Extreme fights can be in XIV.

  16. Funny thing about the FATE at 1:20. Before they introduced PotD, Hunt trains at N. Thanalan the best way to level up jobs to 50, so you'd get hundreds of players there everyday just grinding FATES.


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