FFXIV Meracydia or The New World with @The Eorzean Archives

Looking at the Next Ten Years, where do we want FFXIV to go so joining me to talk about the next 10 years, is Elioaux from @The Eorzean Archives
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21 thoughts on “FFXIV Meracydia or The New World with @The Eorzean Archives”

  1. Put it on watch later, cause sprout and want to expierence and discover as much as I can through my own eyes. Can't wait to hear your speculations? About the two continents I heard a lot about, but haven't seen yet.

  2. I believe 1.0 through 6.0 was an introduction of many things that, in the future expansions, will be referenced. A lot of characters that can be recurring, time travel has been shown possible, and crystal tower being part of a major story arc and … ¿what of the other trials? I believe that a lot of Ivalice will be coming because that trial has shown characters that have not been expanded … the sky pirates were shown in endwalker but not anywhere else … I mean, you say the story is concluded but, ¿where is Azdaja? ¿who are the Twelve?

  3. Hi Brian! I do agree on Meracydia for 7.0 but it is still too early to tell really. We will probably get hints from Yoshida-san along the way as he always hints as to the probable direction FFXIV goes. As to the next job…hmmm…I'm thinking it needs to pair something to NIN like they did with DRG since the armor set for NIN has yet to have another job to share with. Also I think they will add a new Magical DPS since the last job added for this category (RDM) was way back during HW so I think the most probable once to come out are this two. As to what specific jobs, Yoshida-san will probably hints us eventually 😀

    PS: Love the discussion with The Eorzean Archives. 😀 The possibilities for the expansions to come are endless because they introduced a lot of possibilities…time travel, the shards/reflections other than the First, The other parts of Etheirys, the parts beyond the flood of light on the First etc etc :D. I won't be surprised if they do underwater cities since they introduced that possibility in SB and also the possibility of space travel here in EW. Too many really and Yoshida-san might throw a curve ball or two to make this happen 😀

  4. There's a lot of places we could go from here, to the point I don't want to really narrow in on any one area we'll for sure visit next expansion. With the way they're telling the story this expansion differing a bit in structure I am hoping we may get more new areas to explore during the patch content. Feel like the Garlean controlled portion really needs more to it than what we have currently. Something to make it feel connected to Othard and Eorzea rather than how we just flew over those bits straight to the Capital.

  5. Haven't finished the video, but while I'm dying to see the rest of the world, we've hardly seen our own backyard in Ilsabard. Why not spend plenty of time there as well; there's plenty of room to explore between Werlyt, Garlemald, & Dalmasca.

    Also, unrelated, but the New World looks to me like much more than a single continent. It looks like at least two plus a possible archipelago hidden under clouds.

  6. I think they will announce:
    1. Option for new players to start from 7.0

    2. UI/Textures/Character models graphic engine upgrades are coming in 7.0

    3. New stories that new players can enjoy that doesn’t connect much to what came before it.

    If they do this they can compete better with modern MMOs visually and continue building a strong XIV community and make it more easy for new players to join.

  7. You mentioned something I almost feel embarrassed for missing. I knew that the three starting cities were split because PS3. Ishgard was also split. PS3 support was sunset with the launch of Stormblood and Kugane, Crystarium, and Old Sharlayan are all single-map zones.

  8. I think the live letter is going to be focused more on the technical aspect of the game, because although adequate at the moment, the game engine is starting to show its age and they have to address this before embarking on another decades long plan. They have talked a lot over the years about technical debt and limitations. They really need to get caught up and ahead on this.

    Really hope they add a few more patches this time around for Endwalker and use some extra time to improve the engine. I’d actually be fine with them taking an extra year to develop the next expansion if needed.

    Here are just a few upgrades I’d like to see the team say they are working on:

    – Upgraded and higher resolution textures, especially for 4k.
    – Ray tracing/DLSS/AMD Fidelity FX support
    – HDR support (more vibrant colors would be appreciated instead of having to rely on reshade to remove the gray “filter” they use)
    – Antialiasing/smoothing upgrade (fix the grass please)
    – Audio engine upgrade (the Immerse collab didn’t do it for me, maybe I scanned my ear wrong)
    – Improved character animations while still keeping them emote based (they made big strides in this in Endwalker)
    – Skybox rework (they are great in Endwalker zones but the clouds could use an upgrade)
    – Redesigned and more minimalistic UI and menus

    Also, not engine related but I would looove a little more voice acting specifically for patch content in the future for raids, trials, etc.

  9. 18:03 – Programming in a nutshell "I know you think this is simple/I know this SHOULD be simple…but it's not."

    People REALLY unerestimate the fact that Electromagnetism and Gravity exist in the real world. You not being able to clip through walls (all your electron clouds and the electron clouds of the wall's molecules repelling each other) or you falling back to the ground when you jump due to gravity are things we REALLY take for granted. When you realize that in programming you have to set everything up, that tweaking some code somewhere can cause a cascade of unforeseen changes elsewhere, etc etc takes some people a surprisingly long time to figure out/get used to.

  10. Every single new player I seen reach preatorium, even if they liked arr till then, is really disappointed and confused by what's going on in there. It needs a trust option for story or be turned into a solo duty.


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