[FFXIV] M4S Guide – AAC Light-heavyweight M4

Don’t be shocked by the length of this Electrope Savage guide! It’s 2 fights for the price of 1.
🚩Raidplan▸https://raidplan.io/plan/0d5VxJctiqKCxpvq, https://raidplan.io/plan/3CcEEWt4it1AZFbC

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──── ※ ⏱ Chapters ※ ────

00:00 Start
00:35 Bewitching Flight
02:00 Narrow Wide Hunt
04:40 Witchgleam
06:15 Lightning Cage
10:30 Electron Stream
11:45 Transition
13:20 Cross Tail Switch
13:35 Exaflares
14:00 Wicked Special
14:25 Mustard Bomb
14:40 Aetherial Conversion
16:00 Twilight Sabath
16:40 Midnight Sabath
18:35 Towers and Chain Lightining
21:18 Sunrise Sabath
25:13 Sword Quiver
25:38 Outro


7 thoughts on “[FFXIV] M4S Guide – AAC Light-heavyweight M4”

  1. Finishing with a sparky Electrope, a boss with a transition but no save, hence the quite lenghty guide.
    🚩There are some Narrow / Wide hunts strats where melees do the close baits and ranged take far baits. Do it if you're more comfy with it! I have no footage for it.
    👉 Raidplans P1 https://raidplan.io/plan/0d5VxJctiqKCxpvq, P2 https://raidplan.io/plan/3CcEEWt4it1AZFbC

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    🔴 Twitch ‣ https://www.twitch.tv/yukizuri
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    💬 my Discord ‣ https://discord.gg/VEyQ4JGjwT
    ☕ Tip me on ko-fi ‣ https://ko-fi.com/yukizuri

  2. why do the narrow/wide witch hunt baits east and west? isnt that extra movement? why not just have everyone be on their clock and solve it that way. just a thought.


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