We can transform games into something WAY better. These UI & control changes can make them more immersive and engaging – more like The Witcher than early 00s MMOs.
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*Immersive WoW*
*Desperius FFXIV*
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00:00 Intro – The MMO Tradeoff
01:15 GW2’s Incredible Change
03:51 You’ve Never Seen WoW Like This
05:59 Immersive FFXIV
Immersive WoW
Desperius FFXIV
Tekkit's GW2 Reshade Guide
IIRC, you can change the height of the camera in FFXIV. Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow. It's useful for Lalafells since their cameras start of so low.
Personally, I don't see the point in any of what's in the video. Why would I limit myself on purpose? I have no problem immersing myself in a game. Hell, I can immerse myself in a game of Civ. You just need to use your imagination, and if you're struggling with MMOs, then your imagination needs some serious working out.
Try turning on Legacy movement in FFXIV, it changes the feel quite a bit, as well as adding ease-in/ease-out to walk and run speeds. Some people don't like this, as when you play casters as I usually do, your spells can't be cast until your character comes to a complete stop, but I like the more action-combat feeling to the movement, when you hit S to move in reverse, you turn about and run in the direction pressed. In addition you can easily maneuver using mouseview, and this will make mechanics much much easier, especially those regarding where you face your characters. It's a bit to get used to, but we'll worth it I feel.
Should have added ESO into the mix and noted the first person game play
I never have and never will like playing with my camera pulled way back I always play close up
And yet, I'm still on ps4 for ffxiv and everything is still great?
It's probably my monitor, but I found that there was way too much red in your shader examples. I'm just hoping that FF 7.0 doesn't emulate that, as I like the colors, as washed out as you say, as they are.
I disliked because this is minor improvements and the title is very exaggerated. And it wasn't you that did it but the people that made gshade for example.
I started playing free mmo called swords of legends online on steam and ti's quite good too so wonder what would Belu said for it 🤪
I actually don't like g-shade, it just makes everything look funky, too bright, not bright enough.
You too? I always turned off UI for FFXIV cutscenes for the very same reason.
I personally disagree about ffxiv's color palette. Every time I see someone using gshade it hurts my eyes lol
I always have to giggle a bit when so many people talk about the art of colour grading and then proceed to absolute fucking crush every single black in every single pixel with gshade, bombard the entire background with nothing but bokeh and just oversaturate every single colour. Yes FFXIV can indeed look flat, hopefully that's something that will get a new coat of paint with the update, but so far all the user made "fixes" I've seen just look way worse.
It's a bit like one of those "graphic design is my passion" moments.
My issue with gshade in ffxiv is that it's inconsistent.
What may work in one zone doesn't it work in another. Meaning I lose consistency across zones. For example, Il mehg suffers greatly from washed out colors, but if I apply a "good setting" for il mehg to the tempest, it can ruin the whole mood of the area, making it feel less hostile and less isolated.
I'm hoping that this lightning update in 7.0 gets a good hybrid, where colors pop much more, but that consistency and mood is kept intact.
The washed out colors allow for consistency across the various styles without much individual tweaking, which is why I assume it's why it's like that currently.
Hopefully though, the success of Endwalker means they will have the budget for some more graphics tweaking!
(Please no million polygon flower pots though, thanks.)
If you play ff12 and compare it to ff14 you can notice a lot of similarities in the lighting. FF12 gets around this by having the bright and vibrant colors of rabanastre and its dusty deserts kinda distract you from the washed out graphics. And it for the most part holds up to modern graphics. FF14's color grading unfortunately makes some of the more bright and vibrant zones like Radz-at-han, Limsa, and Sharlayan, look washed out like you said.
I've messed around with G-shade, and personally I actually like the more "washed out" default look. I've even used setting my friends set up on theirs just to make sure I wasn't just doing a horrible job. It just wasn't for me. HOWEVER, I really like the look of what was done in GW2 here, and if I ever manage to find some downtime in my gaming life again, I'll probably give something like that a spin!
When I was still playing WoW outside of raids or m+ I made my entire UI out of weakauras with a billion conditionals to only trigger upon certain things or targets/etc with things like the Immersion addon for questing. Programming weakauras was very fun and so insanely powerful.
I'm really hoping the lighting changes will lead to FFXIV looking the way it should without using gshade and the like. The flat colours really are a crime committed upon the rest of the game.
I recently found another video randomly suggested to me that showed the action camera, other setting improvements, and reshade settings. And I decided to download the game (after six years) and try it out…
Yep, haven't played another game and am finally enjoying the game and am confident in spending money on the game to get expansions. And even started playing it while streaming. Not having the over saturated oil painting-esque look of GW2. Has greatly improved my enjoyment of the game. And I even have a setup for vastly improving underwater combat. IT. IS. AMAZING.
On console, you can fade parts of the UI. I don't simply mean transparency. For example, I don't see my hotbar unless I'm holding l2/R2 for ability input. I also have a macro to keep my duty list hidden. Essentially, I only see my HP when playing. Idk what it is but the graphics just look better when the UI is hidden. I play in Japanese so I hiding the UI during cutscenes is a No for me.
I have gshade on and I only really have the color saturation on ff more, the normal color is just a bit too washed for my taste.
Legacy movement gives FFXIV more of a console ARPG feel, but the biggest thing is, well, using a controller. The controller hotbars tend to be far less intrusive and you can have the wide bars and combo bars be hidden unless/until you're using them. (I think you can hide the actual crossbars when not in use, too?)
For PC we do have something akin to add ons. We do have plugins, they do help a little.
For GW2 I reccomend Reshade3D! It's $10, but it's very well done.
Try first person.
I can't say that I've ever played a PC title thinking "Man, I wish this was more like a console game." That's the exact opposite of the reason I play PC titles.
Well if you use the blue light filter in windows and push saturation to what you need you have 90% of what gshades give with 0 impact to performance