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#FFXIV #Meoni #liveletter
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Launch trailer baby!!!
I hope for some info on glamour dresser…but I doubt they'll talk about it.
Ur doing God's work Meoni <3
I'm curious about the gathering since they are getting rid of hq gathered items. How will the achievements work, quests, etc.
Please god preview hrothgar hairstyles coming in 6.1(maybe) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hey Meoni, just letting you know in case you weren't aware that Sly's interview video just dropped and he actually asked about a new crafting/gathering quest hub. Won't spoil it here but there's some very juicy sounding details on the setting and storyline if not any possible changes in mechanics.
Wonder if this will also be the time to get the in-game hype trailer of hypeness… even though I'm going to try and avoid that when it lands.
Four weeks from now we'll all be sat in the queues or getting booted because of the servers melting!
Laaaauuuunch traaaailerrr 8]
I don't know about the americans but do remember that in europe we stop using summer time the week before the Live Letter. So it WILL be 2AM in Britain, 3AM for central europe.
Thanks Meoni! <3
F in the comments for Meoni's unfortunate sleep schedule T^T
I'm not sure what to look forward to i mean there's so much goodness they're literally spoiling us at this point.
Correct me if i'm wrong but I hear they're taking away hq mats from crafting/gathering? If true it sounds like an interesting way to make crafting hq items tougher? (unless as a result hq crafted items are being removed too?)
Hey Meoni, doesn’t BST end the week before the LL 😉 😉
But look forward to all the vids after as I’ll be long in the lad of nod by then
Can't wait! =3
I am happy to see it got English translation again, so I can see the live letter and not need watch this videos to understand what they just told us….
In the island sanctuary when they said we can have our minions run around – I want to know if it’s like 5~10 of them or ALL of them lol
It will be at 2am at least
I'm very hyped for PvP also we should be back to GMT I think when this launches
I would love to hear about hildibrand ❤️
To see how the end of High Quality items will change the rotation of crafting and gathering
You are a hero.
Be Afraid, Meoni because whenever I can visit Chaos. I. WILL. HEADPAT. YOU! Be vewwy afwaid!! >:3
Sad All Saints Wake delayed, happy because we have the opportunity to see Ishgard Housing decorated this year for Halloween. Does that mean I can leave my real decorations up til mid December?
Bless you Meoni and thanks!
Cmon Yoshi-P. I need those 1000 glamour slots and 60 plates.
November will such a busy month for you meoni ^_^ we will supporting all the way ^^
do you think we will get an launch trailer aswell?
Remember remember the 6th of November
i hope they dont spoil stuff like they did last expansion.. that hydaelyn and zodiark thing was sooo unnecessary
Launch trailer maybe? Shadowbringers had that "eldest and most powerful of primals" stinger, I wonder what we'll get here
Four years in FFXIV and I have yet to do any savage content or PvP and that might…….. (*MIGHT*) change when Endwalker releases. I still haven't decided yet.
Just for clarification for those of us in north america its friday the 5th 7 pm pacific 10 eastern
I'm looking forward some information from Island Sanctuary, even if it's just some screens… I'm so hyped for it. I'm also very curious about the new PvP mode
Hope they show the new gold saucer "minigame" and the island sanctuary.
Thanks for the letter summaries! I really enjoy them and appreciate the work!
DoH/L content/means quests > PvP
I loved what they did crafting/gathering in ShB and found the Mean to be a really great idea so I'm looking forward to hearing whatever they tell us. I'm curiously excited for the PvP news since I always enjoy it in moderation and especially during the Moogle tome events as I join the big surge of people since there's quick ques and it helps mix up all stuff I usually do!
Love you!!!
I am so excited to see what hairstyles will be available at endwalker launch !
I'm HOPING there is something glamour-related, because there has been no word yet and I was hoping they would bring the transmog from WoW. If not, I'm assuming more space in the dresser and more plates should be added.
im more of the hair for the buns
Garlemald restoration?
They haven’t gone over the gathering and crafting updates yet have they?
I would love to see competitive 1v1 PVP,
I’m excited to see what they’re going to do with Crafting and Gathering, I want to see what new game they’re implementing in the Gold Saucer, I hope that they will unveil it here. I wanna see what the PvP addition will be as well, I’m not a PvP player, even in other games, I don’t really play PvP that much, but excited nonetheless.
I want BLU information.
I hope by casual pvp, they mean like choco-racing and triple-triad.