Xeno Reviews and Rates the First Savage Raid Tier of Endwalker | Pandaemonium Asphodelos P1S – P4S

In this video Xeno goes over every Pandaemonium Asphodelos Savage fight released in the first savage raid tier of FFXIV Endwalker and shares his thoughts on the design and mechanics. Xeno and chat rate every Endwalker Savage Raid released so far: P1S, P2S, P3S, P4S.

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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)

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20 thoughts on “Xeno Reviews and Rates the First Savage Raid Tier of Endwalker | Pandaemonium Asphodelos P1S – P4S”

  1. I dislike Phoinix because Fountain of Fire, which I consider the first interesting mechanic, doesn't happen until the 6 minute mark. I'm bored out of my mind until that point, and that just made progging it way worse as well.

  2. Curtain Call is essentially Terminal Rel but with mechanics. As a healer main i thought having it purely as an MP check was wack, but this Curtain Call did about the same dmg but with mechs. It's the funnest healer mech by far

  3. yooo can we talk about the music though? that was a stinker, especially after how god tier the MSQ music was. I was so glad to be done with P3S so I could listen to a new track

  4. I couldn't agree more on what you said about P2S
    I've always hated positionals, and I say that as a MNK main
    losing 4 of them simply made we wish they had removed the other 2, PLEASE SQE just remove positionals so you can make more fights like P2S

  5. Third circle needs to just be removed from the game, it is the worst boss fight I’ve ever done in a video game. WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH TO DO AND WAY TOO LITTLE WIGGLE ROOM TO DO IT. Also saying savage should be harder? You can stop please. P1S is the best boss fight in this game because it’s actually doable by average players. P2S is doable too but requires training. P3S LITERALLY KILLS STATIC GROUPS TO THE POINT THEY HATE EACH OTHER. These are the words of someone who heals this fight and keeps wiping at 13% because people don’t understand where to go or keep dying.

  6. I think this tier sucked cz the casting times take too long to finish. Did o3n yesterday night and it reminded me how fast-paced fights used to be. I really hope SE doesn't continue this trend of making fights easier and easier because that is how it feels right now.

  7. Great review, especially p2s, it's a fight that really shows the potential of not having positionals, hopefully it'll open the eyes of all the copium inahling melee players who think they love positionals.
    "just true north bro KEKW" – some melee grey parser

  8. Cleared p4s for the first time yesterday on the 4th week of blind progging and gotta say that I enjoyed the tier quite a bit. Every fight more or less had some head scratchers and third fight felt more challenging than the eden's equivalents (which is a good thing). Last fight's act2 gave some light rampart vibes in a sense that it was utter nightmare to debug and figure out what the mechanics did and how to start solving them.

  9. P1S is boring garbage.
    P2S gets a pass for being a Dark Souls 1 boss lookalike and some unique mechanics.
    P3S is cool for having a great variety of mechanics but visually it's dogshit due to colour choices.
    The same music used in all three, which is boring and uninspired, makes it even worse.
    P4S First Form is amazing. Change of music is great, mechanics are great, aesthetics are great. Legit best part this tier.
    P4S Second Form is cool mechanically. Less impressive visually and lack of unique music is a big negative side. Past tiers all had entirely different track, remix of P1 or a different verse of the same track (T13) in second half of the fight, with or without checkpoint.

  10. Positionals were fine back in Arr hw and stormblood where jobs were more simple and lacked complexity. But i think now at level 90 jobs have too much comlexity. This is the prime reason why positionals no longer feel like a fullfilling gameplay mechanic and why I feel EW might be the last expansion that will likely have them.

  11. So tanks have self respect when they don't want to take a dmg down to cheese a mech. But they don't mind cheesing other mechanics like the bug In sigmascape 1.0. someone needs to get off fflogs

  12. One thing I like about P1S is that it's actually a great tutorial for Savage raiding. It teaches you how to maintain precise spacing, how to stand still and bait mechanics, how to read the boss' animations for mechanics, and most importantly, how important it is to read your debuffs and resolve mechanics according to what debuff you get.


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