FFXIV Live Letter 66 (LXVI) Deep Dungeons & Limited Jobs?

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Letter from the Producer Live 66 (LXVI) is about to drop on us and show us so much of what we’ve been waiting to see about the changes to the game.

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV Live Letter 66 (LXVI) Deep Dungeons & Limited Jobs?”

  1. Can’t believe 6.0 is almost here and there’s no talk from the Devs in regards to open world content, it’s always duties duties duties while the world is empty since launch with just hunts, fates and gathering to do.

    To me, is just really disappointing to want to explore this beautiful world and there’s nothing to unravel, nothing to be engaged in with a fighting class. Give us dailies book for open world stuff, like getting monster drops for NPCs for crafting materials, give us chocobo hot and cold, give us a daily turned based mini game like the classic FFs, give us a XP world bar where we can do all these open world content and level up the bar and be rewarded each level, and many other things

    There’s so much they could add to Eorzea, instead is just the same old corridor dungeons, trials with memory mechanics with some to no skill needed, more deep dungeons

    I love FFXIV but I really wish this game could evolve already.

  2. Deep Dungeon is fine but NO MORE LIMITED JOBS! I hate Blue Mage! Blue Mage CAN be made into a regular job! Lower the damage output of the skills! Still going out into the world to farm for them is fine! Even with the updated Blue mage stuff awhile ago I have not touched it after the 1st quest for it!

  3. Content like Eureka and Bozja did come at a cost. Depending on how you look at it, we've lost at least one dungeon per patch because of them so far, but I would argue that it also ate up the relic quests. Prior to Eureka, relic quests were a standalone thing that required you to do different types of content in order to complete. But starting with Eureka, it was essentially the Eureka quest chain and although Bozja made it a separate quest chain within the Bozja stuff, Bozja was still a requirement to unlock your relic, making it impossible to separate the two. This is where the relics have failed in the last two expansions and I can guarantee interest in them plummeting even further if they continue with this in Endwalker. There must be a clear split that the relic quest is the relic quest and the Exploratory Missions are the Exploratory Missions. Otherwise, they're both just going to drag each other down.

    And considering how absolutely stacked with rewards that Bozja was with tomestones, tomestone+5 gear, relic weapons, collectibles, and massive amounts of experience, the problem is no longer the rewards. It's giving everything it possibly can and more, yet it can't retain player interest. At this point, the problem is definitely within the content and I would argue that this applies to all of the Exploratory Missions that are still in the game. In this type of content, you the player, is designed to suck and are supposed to grind for special items to make yourself not suck in that type of content. You're supposed to go out of the way to grind for them just so you can use them in the content that you want to grind because you are synced to several ilvls below the recommended ilvl. And in DR, they basically make your HP pointless too. And you know what they could have done instead? Just make CLL, DR, and the Dalraida alliance raids instead and sync your ilvl to where it should be.

    Limited jobs I imagine will be restricted to playing with their own limited jobs for some kind of balance. If Beastmaster does become a thing, I imagine it essentially being like a Summoner/Pokemon Trainer where you summon different pets for different skills similar to how a BLU will set them.

  4. talking about the number. it's a bit too late now, but what they could have gone with was Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn then have Final Fantasy XV: Heavensward, Final Fantasy XVI: Stormblood Final Fantasy XVII: Shadowbringers asnd finally Final Fantasy XVIII: Endwalker. because while a Realm reborn is required to play the others, each expansion could still be its own game. but I think that ship has sailed, they should have done it when heavensward came out.

  5. I am soo excited for this live letter. I barely got out of the hospital with my first half of my thyroid cancer surgery for fanfest to be able to enjoy that.

    I am typing from the hospital from having the second one done. And being able to make it for this live letter. Soo happy for all the new changes coming to the game.

    I hope they cover pvp and deep dungeon. I missed deep dungeon for shadowbringers. 😀

  6. If they add another limited job I hope it is Beastmaster and be used to expand upon the companion system. For example, beastmaster trains monsters/beasts and you can use them as a companion across all classes while in the open world with instance content being specific to beastmaster.

  7. Please no more limited jobs. I would rather them focus on content that all players can use all jobs in. My largest problem with Limited Jobs is by definition they are LIMITED. They will never be as fulfilling as a new Job. Also, as a primarily solo player, jobs that can't use roulette are painful.

    I'd also like them to move away from the exploratory zone content. I feel like it's an unnecessary complication. Why can't we have a max level zone with fates like ARR/HW? Because people like to queue for a zone with time limit? Why? I'm worried that this kind of "system" for the sake of system is what has killed WoW for the last several xpacks, and I don't want system creep here. Keep it simple. Functionally, there is no difference in a fate in Bozja than in Eastern Thanalan, other than the reward structure. The Critical engagement system could probably be added to any zone. As could lost actions.

  8. I wish I could watch the live letter tonight, but my bachelor party is tonight and I'm getting married tomorrow. I'll hopefully get to watch you guys' stream on sunday

  9. I'd love to see an Evoker limited job. Something that summons, but mix it with chemist or something. The idea is to pull from Final Fantasy Unlimited, where one of the primary characters mixed elemental soil in order to summon, usually solving the conflict with that one move. You could easily tie this with chemist, and make it so this is a true resource job where you have to actually gather or buy your resources ahead of time.

  10. Not a fan of limited jobs in their current implementation. You can’t really engage in the end game in a meaningful way with them and they don’t supplement the other jobs in any way.

    If BLU had an ultimate level solo challenge that gave a cool weapon skin for any other job of your choice that would at least be something. Atm all you really have are some achievements and the masked carnivale


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