[FFXIV] Level up Fast and Efficiently with any Combat Job!

Whether you aim to level a Tank, Healer or DPS, This Guide will give you the information needed to level efficiently, to get the jobs leveled in time, whether it is for Dawn Trail, or something completely different!

FFXIVHunt Website for planning your Daily Hunt Mark Route: https://ffxivhunt.com/

Wondrous Tails Guide: https://youtu.be/iyibgfD64fk
Ten Significant Sidequests (Unlocking Frontline): https://youtu.be/tCAgr3J63M8
Tribal Quests Guide: https://youtu.be/DzK6kpR_kIo

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Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Intro
00:25 Your First Job to Max Level
00:47 Experience Bonuses
05:26 Wondrous Tails
05:54 Introducing the Strategy
06:22 Priority of Duty Roulettes, and which ones to SKIP
08:55 Introducing Filler Content Between Duties
09:16 Tribal Quests
10:40 Daily Hunt Marks
12:26 FATE Farming
13:12 Summary of the Strategy
13:43 Leveling Below Level 50
14:10 Alternative leveling with Squadrons or Duty Support
14:53 Alternative leveling with Deep Dungeons
15:31 Alternative leveling with Bozja


22 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Level up Fast and Efficiently with any Combat Job!”

  1. Interesting problem to note that i had with wonderous tales: I love dungeons and trials so i get distracted a lot leveling. As such, my first job hit 90 while i was still in shadowbringers msq. All of a sudden my wonderous tales was requiring me to do a bunch of duties that i didnt have access to. It quickly became so limiting that i had to really play my second chances to repeat content and it just didnt feel worth the hassle. Lucky me i love just spamming dungeons but wonderous tales was awesome xp for stuff i was doing anyway so it was a bummer when it got wrecked

  2. My tip that stopped me from burning out and broke up the monotony while leveling dps was to do my roulettes and then when I'm queueing for a dungeon, I'd work on a Gunpla kit. It wasn't the most effective way to level but it let me work through my backlog while at the same time just giving me something to break up the grind.

  3. If you get the DPS bonus to level 4/5 on your squdron you can do even the vault in 12-15 minutes unless you get instant pop on queues I think it's quicker, plus if you pick up all loot you can just turn it in and get back the seals you used higher level dungeons give more seals than you use

  4. After my daily's are all done if it's peak play hours I just que for dungeon's like you suggest. Late at night look at the que time, if it's more than 30 mins just roll with NPC's, sure the don't use aoe and will stop all attack when mechanics come up but you can wait 45 mins to do a 15 min dungeon with people or a 20 min with npc's twice.

  5. I swear by Bozja 71-80, but I can understand how people burn out on Bozja. There's just not much variety in the environments.

    But it was so quick to level, even for healers and tanks.

  6. Road to 80 is how I leveled most of mine (yes, it's still active, guess Maduin isn't super popular) …but then after I hit 80 on everything I realized I had not even entered Heavensward yet because I was drunk on quick level gains via all the roulettes, and made an oopsie on what content I could access if I wanted to reach 90 now the same way everyone else does.

    Even better, I didn't have DRK/MCH/AST yet, so even after I did reach Heavensward? I had to go right back to ARR anyway because they start at 30 and Road to 80 would be active for them! One day I'll escape this limbo… lol.

  7. NA players I highly recommend going to Aether data center for Bozja leveling. Its always very populated and you'll be getting skirmishes and CE's constantly. Easily got my Red Mage to 90 recently by running around there. (red mage farms rezzes in bozja, everyone will love you and want you in their party lol)

  8. Random little addition if you're like me and want to max out everything but don't necessarily want to play everything. The following strategies discussed in the video give you the option of leveling a job without actually playing the job: Wondrous Tails, Frontline roulette, FATEs, Tribal quests, and to some extent, the Challenge Log.

    Wondrous Tails: Change to job when turning in the journal.
    Frontline: As mentioned in the video, queue as the job you want exp on, then switch to the job you want to play as in the spawn area.
    FATEs: Change to job before the FATE fully completes. This is easy if others are doing the FATE as well and can finish it for you and is otherwise limited to collect/escort FATEs.
    Tribal quests: A lot of the Tribal quests (even for the combat tribes) are solely NPC interaction and not combat.
    Challenge Log: If you don't want to make a single attack with the chosen job, this might be limited to completing your 5th and 10th FATEs using the strategy above. I still think it's noteworthy that you can complete your 5th dungeon per week unsynced and make your 5th player commendation in a Guildhest.

    You might ask why I'm leveling something if I don't even want to play it. To that I say "Just in case", "Armory space", and "Some of these are just wasted EXP if you do it as a max level job".

  9. I once helped 2 lvl 15 characters get to level 30 in under an hour via dungeons since I and the other party member were Blu Mages. We had our full kit and cheese strats, so we crushed the dungeons super quick, Blu Mages are great for leveling other characters to 80 via dungeons.

  10. 7:17 I was wondering how it actually works, i was thinking that maybe after you get matched in a party then it looks for lowest lvl around and then it limits duties available so if you'd happen to get matched with all 70+, there was no way you could get aurum vale

    It's a bit sad it turns out it works only for premade

  11. Idk if its still relevant, but resting – loging off in the Inn room, trough bed prompt(altought it seems doesnt matter since you get wake up in bed cutscene when you log in even if you just log out in your room), should give you extra rested experience boost.

  12. Another thing I do as Filler EXP is the side quests in the world, especially if I like the area. For example, I’ve got mid-60 jobs so I’m more than happy to do all the side quests in the Steppe because I love the Xaela culture.

  13. It's so sad Eureka does not grant exp, if it did it would've been so much more popular. I'm sure there is more ppl like me that have left doing Eureka as last thing to do since getting all jobs to 90 is higher priority.

    I hope Field Operation in Dawntrail will just like Bozja give exp to jobs so I won't get physically sick doing dungeons (grinding Trust completely killed any dungeon fun there could be found for me).

  14. As dps, you might want queue for highest 2 or 3 dungeons. You get less exp, but its still better than fates and you'll get gear you missed previously(leveling trough other means will leave you behind on the gear). It cuts down waiting time as you have more options to get party than just one. Matchmaker wont put you into queue, if his current list is full, but thats complicated matter. Giving matchmaker more options is better and lower level dungeon will still give you decent exp.

  15. While it is probably about the same speed as Duty Support, I've found Trust to be a nice source of EXP currently. It is only an option starting from lvl 71, and you have to level the scions up in order to access further levels of content, but if that is an enjoyable pass time, it helps to bring along jobs around those levels to benefit from the decent exp gain.

    If you try to level ALL scions while doing this, it seems best for tank/Dps roles. There are a lot of healers in the scions if you're trying to level them all, so it is easier to place yourself as a tank or dps when leveling them up.

  16. How I got all my jobs to 90: main job – msq quests. Alt jobs, 1-15 hunting log, 15 – 30 leveling roulettes, 30 – 50 leveling roulette and front lines, 50 – 80 msq, leveling, and alliance roulette, and front lines, 80 – 90 same plus tribal quests

  17. Personally one of my goals is not only to level every job in the game, but also to clear every non repeatable quest in every expansion. So for dps especially I am killing all the hunting log targets for each job and doing every quest in every zone with level appropriate jobs. Rather than rushing, I have decided to keep my goal to leveling 5 levels per day across any jobs. Since I consider non combat jobs in that too, it leads to a nice gameplay where I work through every blue quest for every job, run 1 dungeon with a tank or healer (and 3 guildhests a week) and run fishing boat once a week. Then with my remaining time I either do msq, crafting/gathering (gc turnins and beastmen quests), or questing yellow quests. My progress is probably far from efficient, less so especially once they are all 50+ and I theoretically can do every roulette every day if I somehow had the energy to, but I am fine with taking the game slow and enjoying each expansion in depth rather than worrying about the "ideal" xp grind. Love the video though cause it helped me learn what to prioritize better to ensure I don't spend as often doing guildhests;


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