Fellow Legends, welcome! Today we dive into another epic Lucy Pyre video, this time talking about Job balancing in Final …
Fellow Legends, welcome! Today we dive into another epic Lucy Pyre video, this time talking about Job balancing in Final …
In regards to the boss nerfs in AC VI, the fight people were complaining the most about was Balteus. The only nerf was to its missile tracking since the missiles will hit you unless you are a god at dodging.
Even though that was its only nerf, you'd hear some week 1 veterans say that its everything was nerfed despite there being a document saying otherwise. Also doesn't help they were going in fully upgraded and knowing its moveset.
From a week 1 veteran of AC VI.
Okay, for context of the fight getting nerfed, it was actually better explained than the meme. At CBU3, there is an internal Savage Playtest team that runs all the fights to make sure it's all beatable and the mechanics can be reasoned out. The balance team knows that most Savage raiders are, by and large, better than then internal playtesters, and always balance Boss HP /upwards/ from the playtest results by a certain percentage to account for this. They've been doing this since the creation of the internal test team, and have basically figured out what that percentage difference should be based on clear time, between a 1-2% HP buff.
In the specific case of P8, the test team actually had more time on the fight than normal, getting more experience clearing, and therefore faster clear times than they would normally. So when the balance team applied the standard HP buff based on those clear times, it pushed the boss' HP into a range that edged just a little too far past what certain team combinations could handle at minimum to average ilvl, and Machinist was the worst affected, as it brought neither 'enough' DPS nor 'enough' team buffs to justify its place in a P8 comp.
There were a lot of ways to fix this, including buffing MCH, but CBU3 chose to address the root cause and pull the boss' HP down 1%, back into range where any team comp could clear again, without changing the internal balance within each job role. Yes, the difference was that tight, and it showed, because following the 1% HP nerf, the regular pace of clears resumed.
You can actually still read Yoshi-P's statement on the nerf here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6e7737ce4e7488b9b870722da7acaff4567b4e40
have you heard of fleekazoid? his content and editing is chaotic and really funny
Lucy Pyre is just Horny Pipkin Pippa if she fusion danced with Project Melody.
Scotty doesn't know
that bunch of people (saltagreppo included ) that cry and moan for having D2 being harder, while not realizing that you shouldn't expect , let's say, "running" as a sport around the world to be practiced as an olympic level. if you have achieved the peak, that's it. it shouldn't become harder for your sake while making the experience painful for everyone else. but they refuse to understand that their version of the game hurts everyone else that is'nt the top one percent. i'm a day one raider for Traveler's sake, and i think trying to make the game harder than it is already is pretty dumb. ROOT was a "bit" easy, and that's fine. King's fall was a right middle ground. Crota's end was just DUMMY hard. and not the feels good kind.
Now react to Anime makes me c*m by Lucy pyre >:D