FFXIV Housing Lottery Update! When the Lottery Resumes & More!

When the FFXIV Housing Lottery will resume. What will happen with the Housing Lotteries where 0 came up the winner. What will happen with the housing lottery deposits.
We cover all of this in this vide based on communication from Yoshi-P.

#FFXIVHousingLottery #FFXIVHousingCrisis #FF14HousingLottery #FF14HousingCrisis #FFXIVHousingLotteryGlitch

Final Fantasy 14 is copyright Square Enix (https://www.square-enix.com/).
This video is made possible under the Fair Use Act of 1976.


6 thoughts on “FFXIV Housing Lottery Update! When the Lottery Resumes & More!”

  1. There are still:
    -Way too many wards for FC only
    -Not enough medium/large houses
    -A house should be at "1 per account"
    -They NEED to crack down on people having x-amount of FC and a house with every FC (like one person has 30 chars with an FC and house on each char)
    -just implement instanced housing in addition to the wards system or give us the option to build a small/madium/large house onto our island sanctuary

  2. I'm just happy for all the players who can finally get their houses but I don't think it would be a good idea to give out some kind of reward for paying your bills. People are already mad enough that those who got hit by the bug could keep their money and get the plot for free. adding now kind of a reward only those can get who pay what they should have payed if everything would have played out smooth would only add fuel to the fire. I was one of the lucky ones unaffected by the bug and got a medium sized plot for my fc and I'm not botherd at all if the players will keep their money or donate it later to the npc. It's not my gil, it does not affect me at all but there are still people out there who now want a refund for their plots too, which is insane to me but that's just human nature I guess.
    but with all the stuff happening right now, starting with the hrothgar / viera hair style issues, closely followed by this disastrous lottery, then the hilarious 3rd party tool rants and now the "the bug affected could keep their money" thing people are one the edge and further "bad" decisions like adding a title for paying your debt to those who encountered the bug will only lead to more rants and distress… maybe they could get away with something funny for a title if they choose to implement such a thing, which I doubt in the first place, but more realistically all I can see happening with such a decision would be more screeing and whining from those who never had bug issues to begin with… but something like "Lottery survivor" or "Not a freeloader" or anything like that I would not mind at all for a title.

    At the end of the day the housing situation is far from saved, even with the lottery implemented there are wards owned by just a handful of people if not one single person (looking at certain screenshots from Oceania DCs) and SE and Yoshi P. seem unwilling to take action there. I wish I could use my private house with all my alts on the same home world, dunno why they can't make it happen, since the game is fine checking "oh there is a private house on this account and homeworld already so you can't buy an additional private house with your alt". I would love to be able to buy additional chambers for tenants in private houses too, would be 3 extra rooms or more if they would change the number to let's say 5 and could maybe lessen the number of mini-FCs.
    I'm no expert but shouldn't this be possible?
    Would be nice to be able to send letters to your friends, alts AND FC members too and I don't buy any bot-related excuses anymore, those things go rampart anyway.


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