My back hurts LOL
I can’t believe I did this in one day
Thanks for watching this! o/
I might need to take a break for a while lol
Original Video:
#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Animatic
I promise I did this for fun there's not really much context other than the coloring (* ̄▽ ̄)
the purple is nemu's imagination
the gray is reality
I placed the original video link in the desc but I will also put it here
A little chug of f a n t a s i a
You managed to make me laugh and hurt in the feels at same time. Bravo hahaha!
the only hope is Zenos 6.0
maybe he'll be even hotter and maybe using this he can heal my broken heart after 5.0 and 5.3
but he's just villian and probably we'll just kill him too sad catboy noises
I don't know if i should laugh or cry or both right now… regardless i'm just glad i'm also feeling joy at seeing more content from you! Looking forward to more vids in the future!
Thanks Ysa, needed this! haha
um….I see….
O w