[FFXIV] Healers in Dawntrail: Patch Note Reading

Doing a fast read over the maintence notes that just came out!

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/ffxivmomo


28 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Healers in Dawntrail: Patch Note Reading”

  1. I don’t get you streamers, what is your obsession with skills being the same across classes. If you want a skill to be like said skill from other class.. play that class! Thanks to years now of YouTubers fucking moaning about everything they turned this game very bland!

  2. They have to remove the damage cards to give us freedom to hold or use the utility cards when we want, until we have the DMG cards we need to keep Draws on Cooldown obligating us to throw a some utility cards out.

  3. Dude, not everything has to be about optimization… you are what happens when ppl play with high-end raiders for too long. Go to Crystal for a week and try to pull that, not healing crap there and watch what happens.

  4. 15:08 is the moment that many people collectively felt, but didn't want. Designed as a "DPS healer", yeah right. Couldn't even get small stuff. :/

    Philosophia for a 3m cooldown without proper tools buffing it is just… eh. Doesn't have synergy with Soteria, doesn't have more synergy with multi-hits, doesn't have synergy with giving shields on attacks.

    Divine caress being 10s..??

    All these changes just feel… :/

    If I'm not joining the strike, I'm just leaving the role and going to main something else for this expansion. These changes don't particularly spark 'fun' if I'm being honest.

  5. The fact that Sage's double dot was just barely a dps gain on the last tick of the dot was exactly something I want to do with a healer. More optimization and stuff to juggle. In the end it's kinda whatever but I'm still dissapointed

  6. if that's the case regarding criticisms, could you please Momo complain about the Play 2 and Play 3 cards? there's barely any moments where it will be useful for most content a player can do, I personally do not see the appeal to them in that regard.

  7. Why tf did they remove the double dot from sage? I mean really why? “Oh it’s same duration wouldn’t have done anything”
    Yeah but I would have to be in melee range to use it and it’s an extra instant GCD you can use for movement. Plus, it would have been, ya know, fun.

  8. I guess we'll see tommorow but these changes from everything I've seen are…?????? I just don't think they really know what they want from healers anymore, and I do mean that genuinely. WHM and SGE genuinely feel kinda gapped at this point.

  9. Big oof. I thought I'd be able to watch your content, but you squarely come at it from an ultimate/a savage raid perspective, which isn't a vast majority of the player base. Your takes sound like an entitled child, and anyone who shits on updates *before they're even implemented* through good ol' theory-crafting gets to take the L in my book.

    It's a game, a game that has been carried on the backbone of its story and the developers behind it, not endgame raiding content. Color me the fool for thinking you'd be a content creator I could weigh the opinions of against my own to prevent myself (and others) from spiralling into an echo chamber.

    But, we both know how this'll play out, so I'll spare those curious:
    a) some white knight will gallop in on his fuggin internet horse and try to tell me off long after I've abandoned the comment
    b) in a misguided attempt to combat internet trolls, creator will hop on in and perhaps say something to the effect of "if you don't like it, feel free to not watch/fuck off"
    c) someone will throw themselves at this comment, sparking an often completely unrelated argument that drowns out the original purpose of this comment

    Or, in the unlikely event, and I'd love to be proven wrong:
    d) the creator of the videos hears that perhaps he needs to take a step back, reevaluate that "it just ain't that deep, bro" and perhaps realize that I, as a viewer, desperately wanted to like the content, but was alienated by what I saw was effectively whinging at something that I have limited ways of interacting with — perhaps even treat this as an opportunity to have multiple audience groups

    Oh well, back to skimming through a timeline that has no idea what I want to watch.

  10. Well thats what healing will look like now, but we still have to wait for the content design. Healing heavily depends on that. Small example: Atm for healing auto attacks on tanks, its enough to have kardia, which IMO should not be the case. If healers have to have an eye on the tanks most of the time, that would be a really good thing for healers in general. Playing addphase in UCoB as a healer is one of the best experiences Ive had in this game, because you barely have anything at lvl 70 and the boss auto attacks hurt.

  11. Momo, are you aware that Philosophia also works on healing spells, not just dps spells? At least, that's what the media tour was and what this updated tooltip appears to continue to say. I would say a 150 potency buff on the pure heal is not a bad upgrade at all, and you can freely decide whether your gcds are spent on dps or healing, whichever the situation demands. As long as your gcds are spent at all, it's a competitive ability with Seraphism. That said, Recitation 60s is absolutely the inferior upgrade compared to Soteria 60s.

  12. "do they not know how to play white mage" – 2:20
    No they don't. They've stated before that they do not have a dedicated healer designer and that's what has brought us to the point where we are now. That's why they removed the Eukrasian Dyskrasia, as they probably felt it was "to difficult". I fking hate Square enix's treatment of healers. Really fun in prog, dogshit everywhere else


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