6.3 Paladin Opener/Rotation | FFXIV Endwalker

Credits and thanks to the folks in The Balance discord (and the comment section :)) for racking our brains together theory crafting the opener/rotation.

– Opening Rotation:
1-2-Royal into FoF Goring and Req. immediately into Confiteor and 3x blades combo.

– Filler Combo:

– 1 min. reopeners: (2 DMHS)
(2x DMHS under FoF), use atonements as close as you can until FoF’s CD comes up.
you can also use all the atonements and then re-enter FoF if you don’t care about misaligning FoF every min.

– you can use FoF before or after Royal, it’ll just mean you will either use 1 more or less atonement, (they are the same potency).

– Skill Speed: 2.50 | Spell Speed: 2.50 (spell speed doesn’t matter :P)
iLevel 630 running current Abyssos 2.50 BIS gear.


Notes on the new opener/rotation (PLEASE READ):

– FoF window consist of
a. 1x Goring Blade
b. 1 Confiteor, 3x Blades combo
c. 1 DMHS (Divine Might Holy Spirit, 650 under req.), or 2 DMHS in FoF after opener.
d. 2x atonement (or 1 royal authority and 1 atonement, if you use FoF after riot blade (they are the same potency (380))
e. your oGCDS (Expiacion, Circle of Scorn, 2x Intervene)

– Since Confiteor and the 3x Blades combo consume a charge from requiescat, we no longer cast holy spirits inside req. windows anymore. if you use Confiteor and the combos outside of requiescat, you will lose 500 potency per cast, basically being punished for not playing properly (MONKA).

– Filler combo is basically 1-2-Royal, 3x atonement and DMHS (Divine Might Holy Spirit)

– Fight or Flight covers 9 GCD Weaponskills, NOT spells (holy spirit +, confiteor and blades are 2.50 SPELL SPEED) so anything slower than 2.40 you cannot squeeze in the atonements in your FoF window. So realistically you can only really fit 8 GCDs inside a Fight or Flight window.

– Also if you were wondering why you can’t fit in 9gcds inside FoF its because of the spell speed in our spells doesn’t account for the weapon skills (oversight from SE? O_o).

– Fight or Flight will now apply damage up in Confiteor and Blades combo, so please use those skills within that window.


Notes on others:

Question on Skill Speed, dropping atonements, and aligning FoF for Raid Buffs:
– at 2.50 sks, drop 2 atonements (NOT DMHS) and go straight back into FoF. this will help you align with raid buffs and use FoF on cooldown. if you use the regular filler combo phase before FoF comes up you will delay your FoF by 1 or 2 gcds per every minuet and you will fall behind on raid buffs contribution. (if you dont care about raid buff contribution or whatever then ignore this)

– simply put, @2.50 sks drop 2 atonements, 2.45 drop 1 atonement, and at 2.37 you dont drop any atonements (THIS IS TO ALIGN FOF FOR RAID BUFFS).

– if you wish to fit in royal + 2 atonements (or 3 atonements if you use FoF AFTER royal), you will need to meld at a REALLY fast skill speed (2.37 if not even faster beyond). Chasing this atonement at a faster skill speed is, in my opinion, not worth it, as you just lose 95 potency per FoF at the cost of melding skill speed materia over your direct hit and crit.

– dont meld spell speed, please dont. its a waste of materia slot and you will lose damage over it (JUST DONT DO IT, ITS NOT WORTH!)

– If you have more questions please go ask the nice folks at The Balance discord in the paladin section for more answers. The era of spreadsheet paladin may not quite be over yet.


ill try and keep this post updated as more information and stuff comes in. please note I recorded and wrote this at like 2-3am of my time so please forgive me if some of the stuff im writing makes no sense or just gibberish. just want to show and help some people out 😛


26 thoughts on “6.3 Paladin Opener/Rotation | FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. Thanks for the quick upload ! I'm just wondering if there is not an oversight in the description for DMHS during FoF. You are using the Requiescat potency value while the spell is not used during Requiescat since all stacks are consumed by Confi + blades combo. So the potency of DMHS during FoF should be the Divine Might potency aka 450. (instead of base 350)
    Is this right or am I missing an interaction between DM and Requiescat ?

  2. I think it’s pretty interesting. If I was still a team player, I deafly pick it up and mess with it that being said, they’re still doing a lot more than what Warriors do in the rotation looks like more of a gun breaker, which is fine because Warriors and dark nights are very similar as well

  3. Hey Haru, there's a way to get two DMHS consistently per FoF, simply put, after your FoF you do a full Royal into DMHS combo, then do a Royal with one attonement (two at SKS = 2.4) while keeping your DMHS. You then do fast blade, riot blade FoF Goring into Rq combo and DHMS followed by royal authority (nothing breaks) and another DHMS. That gives you 450 potency instead of 380 on your last GCD in your FoF Window, i got the rotation down if you're interested !

  4. I would consider this an improvement but not the way I had imagined at all. Honestly I feel let down lol, though I do like it atleast alittle better than before, it feels more flowy and free as before to me atleast felt locked and or spammy into the same few skills. Rarely felt like anything special and slow

  5. Seems like PLD is now GNB 2.0 just with slightly less button mashing
    Same issue of not being able to fit everything in the 20 second window, and same issue of cooldowns drifting… ugh

  6. YoshiP: We have GNB at home.
    -GNB at home

    But really, it's GNB-lite, but still with the trash damage of PLD. If I wanted to play something jank and unfun like GNB, I'd just play GNB. It does more damage anyway.


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