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#FFXIV #Meoni #hatchingtide
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
It's egged me that i couldn't get me sooner. I will never chicken out to every seasonal events.
Those are some super cute rewards, that minion looks adorable
Hrothgar shedding a tear looking at those long floppy ears.
Happy Bunnys definitely preferred over Spriggans for a mascot
Will the Chicken suit become available on The Mog station?
so many egg puns, talk about cruel and unusual pun-ishment.
Eggciting indeed! 😂 🥚
so much excitement near mid of april! i hope qieues don't become crazy.. I'm worried it would be unplayable for a bit too (due to so much new content)
Eureka bunnies were always taking you on a “Easter egg hunt” love seeing that Gold Coffer appear! Mount mount mount mount! …awe.
Now everyone can stand around eating eggs like RubberRoss
The Ross emote as a reward
Eat eggs emotes? Is this a reference to that guy who ate 1000 in Limsa? The Devs see the chance and they took it!
You could say this is an eggsemplary eggsamlpe of a hatching tide this year. 😂😂😂😂😂😂