Guild Wars 2 calls for aid! And FFXIV will answer! or When MMORPG needs help and FFXIV is coming! or when the doom music kicks in
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#ffxiv, #ffxivendwalker #guildwars2 #ff14meme #doommusic #ffxivvswow #ff14music, #finalfantasy14, #finalfantasyxiv #ffxivvswow #guildwars2vswov #eso #wow #swtor #whenthedoommusic #kingsman2 #mickgordon
Awesome and kicks
How stop watch this? :))
SWTOR, TESO, Guild Wars 2 and FFXIV Online VS WoW ! The Most Epic War !
what show
Understoodat the end, xD
Seems like wow is still getting kicked by FFXIV and GW2,Swotr, Eso are playing it safe now and in discussion
this goes HARD! I like the idea that its the WoW BOTS/Malding andies that are getting destroyed. "Dragonflight will be good" COPIUM