Hello Fellow Warriors!!!
I hope everyone’s doing well and having a beautiful day!! I finally got a chance to do a complete walkthrough of Old Sharlayan however I am not alone. Alphinaud, Alisaie & my Louisoix minion {their grandfather} are with my in the new follow interaction introduced in this expansion. I was currently doing a quest and decided to walk around in my excitement lol. I hope that you enjoy the video and I hope that I continue to earn the privilege of your time
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I like how you look like a mother taking the kids back from school and they’re both speedwalking because they cant keep up with you
I finished story this morning before work, and I have this literally playing on a loop at my desk. Bless you for the video!
I love how you can hear the fingers scraping across the strings. Such a good song and makes me want to learn it myself.
This is now my new study/homework music. This is too relaxing, Soken. :p
Does anyone have the acoustic tab for this song?