We hope you’ve learned something new in here and this guide was helpful! If you have more questions, leave them down in the comments below and we will try and answer them!♥
– Eorzea Collection
– FFXIV Collect
Glamours used from our Discord in this video:
– Skeffi’s glamour in the video:
– The tribal Pyrofrezee Mage by X’toveh Venkha from «Goblin»
– Clarisse by Eji Ka from «Lich»
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Here are our social links:
Personal IG Vance – https://www.instagram.com/Vancesiren
Personal IG Skeffi – https://www.instagram.com/skeffi.s
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ff14fashionista
Discord – https://discord.gg/zRsBgSF
Recording, editing by Skeffi
Contact: VanceandSkeffi@gmail.com
Music Used – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLd95soFO9s “‘Neath Dark Waters” Pulse Remix
#FFXIV #glamour #guide
Glamour is love, glamour is life! <3
Glamour is the true end game of any respectable MMO.
wow! playing FFXIV since 2019, and i just know about that 'LINK GLAMOUR'!! i'm always running to inn to apply my glamour! and that 1 set armor for 2 job but you can have different glamour just by linking them? i need this so much! thank you!
Why does your suncat.. have fangs.. hmmmmm, intriguing
Square Enix donated 250k to the domestic terrorist organization BLM. Woke crt anti white skum company. Dont support them or any of their woke games!
I'm new to the game. But i'm kinda sad that male character has way lesser outfits to choose from compared to females. I might change to female by this point.
where is the chest piece at 5:21 from?
Whats the Red Glamour from that Au Ra?
Hmmm so I have to store all parts of equippment that I would like to transmog in the future? So if I will miss ex. boots to my new cool look and I remember that I had them 10 levels ago, does it mean that I will have to get them again somehow? In WoW (yes I'm the possible refugee) every item's look is becoming to be remebered after picking up by the game. I love the idea of unlocking the Glamour system. Also when my character wears leather armor does it mean that I will not be able to transmog it into plate or cloth? Leather = leather?
Thank you! I am just beyond the credits of ARR and I'm tipping my toe into glamour. This was really helpful, especially since the apparence of the Ironwork Gear does not suit me
Wow you aren’t a guy
Ohmygod! I never even noticed the symbols in the corner! Thank you so much from a Veteran player! Haha
As a new player, i feel just as clueless as before.
I love Jill-saving tips, that bitch just can't stop herself from rolling down hills
I feel like people playing ff14 are playing barbie dress up even those Guy/Men IRL.
the accent adds to this video.
Most gears are inexpensive. Only a few could charges you over 1M gils, but they are still cheap comparing to those not purchasable on marketboard.
But the piece you really REALLY want is never obtainable without grinding PVPs/raids/Golden Saucer.
whoa its almost like a vtuber
she is my waifu, she just doesn't know it yet
Outfits i want and i am willing to pay for.
Gaius Gunblade Heirsbane
Sephiroth's outfit
Seifer's outfit
Vincent Valentine outfit
Cerberus, Griever, Fenrir – Earings,Amulets,Rings,Bracelets.
Xemnas hairstyle from Kingdom Hearts
Devil may cry 5 collaboration and the outfits of all their characters.
The robots from Xenogears
Rood Inverse earings,amulet,rings and bracelet from Vagrant Story.
Holy Win sword from Vagrant Story.
and finally Narasimha as a mount.
It is a white Behemoth that can stand in 2 legs and pulls a giant sword from it's head.
Okay Santa this what i want for christmas.
Hey there, I'm actually a legacy player recently returning after a year or so break. Thank you for this video, so useful.
10/10 guide, full in detail. Love it, thanks.
how do I get that hyur face!
Yah I'm with Vance on this one haha ^^
Or u can also go to limsa lominsa there's some real stylish ppls there ^^
where the fuck is vesper bay
Thank you!!! How do you get your character’s mouth to move when shooting these videos?
Yall forgot to mention that your prefered way of getting prisms requires rank 8 in your respective company.
The accent, I'm obsessed