ffxiv gear problem

In this video I go over the current problem with gear and ilvl requirements in FFXIV. It is a problem that has been present for a long time and it is quite simply the elephant in the room. What are your thoughts?

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21 thoughts on “ffxiv gear problem”

  1. I wish they'd do away with the 450 weekly tome cap. As it is now, it forces players to focus on gearing out a single job, yet I feel like the game has been nudging people toward having multiple jobs at max level. Maybe have it just be 2000 max, but you can only buy one or two pieces of gear per role per week. I imagine that would be its own can of worms though.

  2. I think the easy solution for gearing is just add something akin to a mini ultimate at the end of a raid tier. Something you need to be bis for, but isnt a full on 17 min long ult raid. Essentially a 5th fight in a raid tier, but one that cant be cleared until the raid has the needed gear for clearing. No gear to be gained, purely cosmetic rewards.

    Im not sure any other gearing systems needs to be layered on to 14. Most content is desiged as throwaway content. Outside of a harder 4-man style content (which really doesnt seem likely), im not really sure the game needs it. hard content exists for those that want it, but isnt required.

  3. i can see why they have caps as a means to stop players from grinding but it's still a grind to get them so what's best is that there are no caps at all on tomestones. This way ppl can decide whether they want to be farming or not. The current rate to receive the tomestones is perfectly fine, or maybe reduce the amount too but reasonably.

  4. It will never happen i think, they want to simplify the game as much as possible. Savage dungeons would be lit though, they should put some in whatever bozja/eureka content will be in endwalker as well as a raid

  5. When the next crafted gear gets released, yes, it will make the current max gear obsolete. However, that is WHEN it is released. EVERY MMORPG out there has a gear treadmill. That is nothing new, so I don't know what the complaint there is. As for pentamelding it, have fun with that. The sheer amount of materia you'll have to use on average is the balance for it. I know players who have 500 million gil worth of materia stocked up just to hope to fully pentameld new crafted gear. And then it goes obsolete anyways for the savage gear of that new tier. The savage gear is always the highest along with the upgraded current max tome gear as it has higher main stats, which is more important than the slightly more sub stat you get from your materia. Even if you pentameld the crafted gear, it is not better than your max ilvl gear for the current tier.

    As for the ilvl sync, the dungeons and fights have ilvl sync but down to an ilvl that is WELL above the necessary ilvl. You should feel plenty more powerful and progressed over that time when you went in at the minimum ilvl. Plus, there's an option to turn off the ilvl sync. If you want to just go into content and bitch slap the boss, turn that option on. But if you want to go in and actually experience the content as a fun challenge, having that option on kills that experience, particularly for new players who might get paired with you in the duty finder.

    I think the state of the gear in FFXIV is fine, and I think these are non-issues. The next savage tier will not be out for many months still, so the current savage gear will remain relevant for quite a while. The game is not built around raiding or raiders either. Savage has always been optional for those who want that challenge and want that difficulty. It's not really about having some leg up in the next tier. It's more about having the leg up in the current tier.

  6. Given the picture of the elephant in the room… Well from my perspective the elephant in the room ain't gear, regardless if we speak of FFXIV or WoW. I see the greatest issue when it comes to gearing itself both in MMORPG's and even other modern single player RPG's are how people have been programmed to view gear itself as progression, rather then the overcoming of the challenges presented within the game as the progression. I have played MMO's since EQ but didn't really get into them before WoW got released.

    I was pretty much playing the loot treadmill like everyone else untill it dawned on me that this mindset was entierly pointless… Gear is and have always just been a means to an end, arbitrary numbers which basicly allows you greater odds to overcome the challenges infront of you… Once you have overcome them however gear by itself is pointless unless you just want to /flex or come back for faster clear times. That goes for EVERY game that have a gearing process, if you can clear a challenge at the bare minimum requirements then any further gear is pretty much only there to make you clear the content faster/easier, unless there's a future challenge aviable for you to overcome. However for less skilled players, those extra ilvl's beyond the minimum might be the thing which allows them to clear the encounter in the first place. The difference in WoW however are the PvP when your challenge can constantly increase as your opponents also get better gear. M+ however ain't that straight forward since the added damage modifiers eventually reach a point where things no longer function as they should/become impossible to contend with unless you can cheese the mechanics in some way.

    I would love more ultimate content in FFXIV which didn't drop gear but instead would make us have a purpose to keep gearing up just to beat it. But at the same time I'm happy enought to just say "I cleared this Savage tier and can now take a break and play other games" not feeling forced into running the same content week after week for the twelve knows how long. That was pretty much what killed my love for WoW. Being part of a quite hardcore guild meant we spent a very long time(especially after Legion launched) just to gear up for the next tier and be ahead with Artifact power even after we beat the mythic final boss for the tier. These sort of things quickly cause a burn out. Now i do many reclears of content in FFXIV, but only for as long as i find it fun, but then after that i pretty much take a break until a new patch drops.

  7. The incentive applies to ultimates too, I've never had any interest on that content, because it gives practically nothing in return, so why would I hit my head on a wall for countless hours just to get nothing.

    4-man challenging content would be very nice, but knowing mmo communities – it would most likely become a chore/mandatory thing for anyone interested in savages if it was connected to gearing.

    It would be step towards what people hate in wow, that they need to do so many things everyday that it feels like a fulltime job. It doesn't matter if Savage difficulty would stay the same, players utilizing PF would still need gear from this 4-man savage content or they wouldn't be able to join PF parties, that's just how it goes with mmo players.

    The fact that you can clear something with lower ilvl means nothing if there are higher ilvl gear available and would just create one more mandatory step before you could reach Savage raids.

  8. Would be neat if they implemented some material that drops only in the hard content (extreme, savage, etc) to allow that gear to be pentamelded or upgraded via crafting is some sort. It could even be traded for potentially a lot of gil giving the people who put the content on farm a way to make money.

    I also feel that a crafters gear should have some impact in how successful pentamelding is. Instead of a 7% chance to stick this 5th material, maybe my craftsmanship or control stats raise it to like 10-15%. The game is excellent all-around for many players, but I agree some of the endgame systems could use a little polishing.

  9. During SB I decided to tackle savage for the first time, after defeating o4s on PF two month before the next tier and getting BiS only to get it replace by content that you can do without any effort was horrible, but well, at least I got a mount. I quit after that, came back at the end of ShB and don't plan on doing savage, is not worth it if you do it for the gear or in PF without friends lol.

  10. I feel like you should still beable to penta meld crafted gvear but maybe tone down the materia you can use in them I hate being forced to get the crafted gear every tier just to stay relevant in my dps on logs. It would be nice to penta meld savage gear but that would literally make savage trivial I think the dps gain would be so enormous idk how they would fix their gear thing… maybe tie an ultimate fight into you have to use savage gear somehow? that would make it relevant but block/gate the ultimate. I also hate 4 man content in this game I would rather them put their efforts into some more 8 man content rather than a light party dungeon.

  11. I hope for difficult 4 man content one day. You could almost copy challenge modes from wow and use a similar format. Would love unique job glams obtained from it. How I would like to see it is remove barriers and let the group have the agency with how they pull the trash.

  12. I really agree with the Savage 4 man content. Is also much easier to group with 3 others than 7 others, especially in terms of organizing "static" content with friends to play at set times.

    Think about the last time you died in a 4 man dungeon. Did you die to any of the bosses in ShB or EW? Maybe once? You're more likely to die from a double pack trash pull if your healer DCs than any of these bosses, regardless of you fail any mechanics.

    I get that the game needs to be accessible to those with very entry level skill levels and those not interested in challenging content. But maybe there should be ex modes of the same dungeons. Fuck, they could just allow us to cap tomes faster and I'd probably still opt for them if there's at least something more for my brain to pay attention to.

    The amount of art assets, music and time that gets poured into creating that content for it to be "maybe kind of fun" to run once, usually in the sense of "oh that looks neat" or maybe the rare surprise new type of mechanic you might see, then boring for any subsequent run…

    It's meh.. and healers on the official forums somehow still complaining about full pulling door to door being a problem when the only reason to be in that content is to get out and back in as fast as possible…

    At least most tanks can sufficiently keep themselves alive now even if the healer does decide to step out to smoke a cigarette after every boss.

    I think I died twice on the way to 90, and both were wipes on zodiark.


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