I Cleared My First Ultimate Raid in FFXIV!

In my last video, I mentioned that one of my goals in ffxiv for 2023 is to clear an ultimate raid for the first time, specifically The Weapon’s Refrain because I like the weapon rewards and it’s a good ultimate to start off with. Well over the past two weeks, I’ve been learning and practicing and yesterday finally got the clear. Really wanted to grind it out before the release of patch 6.3 and The Omega Protocol since most people will be busy with that instead

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Thanks for watching.


13 thoughts on “I Cleared My First Ultimate Raid in FFXIV!”

  1. smh clearing ultimate without pre high end exp.

    as insane this sounds still wish you congrats.
    key different that you will learn as fresher the ultimates are will be the prominent dps checks. But as long you do the older ones that were not released in said expansion you should be fine.

    Ucob is fun but also a bit more spicy in comparison to uwu so I wish you the best journey and get the clear.

    As for savage.
    if it gets freshly released do pf within the first month as that is when everyone will be practicing and learning it. Else if you do prefer consistency you should look for a static. There is a european discord server for this kind of thing and lot of folks recruit for members so you can try and find one that fits your schedule. if you need it lemme know o/.

    once again grats for clear.

  2. Ultimates are much harder than extremes and Savages, not even close. Even UWU which is the easiest ultimate is a great accomplishment.


    And yeah they're as fun as it gets. With that you can confortably do Savages and Extremes as slow or fast as you want to, with clearing an Ultimate you definitely have the skillset for anything in the game.

  3. Seriously congrats! I grinded UWU for like three hellish weeks to get the clear so happy to see PF is still keeping up tradition! Seriously though, massive accomplishment, and you should absolutely go chase whatever goals you have in this game. I always told myself I was always going to do an Ultimate but always just put it off; here I am now, 2 ultimates down and prepped to run the Omega Ultimate on content! Raiding in this game is so fucking special and its my favorite thing I've ever done in a video game. If you are interested, there are some seriously good recruiting discords for Savage and Ultimate statics. I loved what you said about making friends in the PF and its the very same with statics. I have made some people I would consider life long friends just because we got together and made a static to achieve the same goal together. Cheers to the future of your FFXIV Adventure, and congrats on this momentous achievement!

  4. Congrats man i ended being burned out on the game last summer due to this exact ultimate lol, i couldnt get into any savage groups and my friends stayed up very VERY late and i wanted to fix my sleep schedule but i ended up in a group and oh boy it was not fun, the main tank left to focus on his other groups and msged me guides to help me out with rotations and said i was the only other competent one in the group, the group got rly toxic to me when i said i wanted to leave also 💀


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