If you’re unable to play or just want to remember the story of this amazing game, enjoy this series. I’ve tried to create an immersive experience for your enjoyment.
This is the beginning of our journey in Eorzea.
Main Scenario Quest in A Realm Reborn from level 15 to 24.
Recorded during 6.1 patch.
0:00:00 [Lv 15] “It’s Probably Pirates”
0:15:59 [Lv 16] “Fire in the Gloom”
0:30:01 [Lv 17] “Into a Copper Hell”
0:52:56 [Lv 17] “The Scions of the Seventh Dawn”
1:32:15 [Lv 19] “Dressed to Deceive”
1:49:16 [Lv 20] “Lord of the Inferno”
2:12:02 [Lv 20] Remembrance in Gridania
2:21:45 [Lv 20] Remembrance in Ul’dah
2:29:18 [Lv 20] Remembrance in Limsa Lominsa
3:46:09 [Lv 24] “Into the Beast’s Maw”
3:51:41 [Lv 24] Meeting Lahabrea
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