FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 282 : Sweet Blossom


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#FFXIV #Meoni

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

0:00 – Intro
0:37 – 100 Score
2:27 – Easy 80


15 thoughts on “FFXIV: Fashion Report Friday – Week 282 : Sweet Blossom”

  1. Thank you for your hard work on these.

    Any chance at getting more options mentioned like how Kaiyoko Star does on the sub Reddit? This is helpful, but is a bit too constraining by only mentioning 1 or 2 options per slot (and not even all slots).

  2. Thank you Meoni. 👍 Fairly easy 80 this week. It’s always nice when one item and 1 dye are enough to get the points we need for the 60k MGP reward. ☺️ Which is now delivered in one go! No more 50k + 10k + 10k as a glitch! Good job fixing that SquareEnix. 😃

  3. Hmm, for those of us without plots, is it possible to grow plants using planters in Island Sanctuary now that we have outdoor furnishings? There is a half barrel planter or something like that, I think.

  4. Thanks. Got 81 from just Patrician Gloves and Ice Blue dye chest piece.
    You can get the gloves from Norlaise in Jewelled Corner Foundation and just afew steps away
    the dye from Fringe.


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