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#FFXIV #Meoni #fashionreport
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
0:00 – Intro
0:41 – 100 Score
4:35 – 80 With Dyes
5:36 – Easy 80
I'd like to think that any chest piece with wrap in the name of it should work
Thank you, as always!
Thanks. Lots of water. Sleep and be kind to yourself.
I have 3 out of 4 this week so hopefully it will be enough for the 80 score! Will likely need some dyes for my alt however. Thank you Meoni! See you next week. 😋 Stay safe. ❤️
Thank you as always! I was looking forward to this report.
Used the Ravel Keepers Chestwrap, Hempen Short Gloves, Woad Legs, and leather Duckbill (with all dyes – save for the legs) 100 score.
Used woolen dress gloves and boarskin duckbills (what i had laying around) and got a score of 84. A item in every slot of course.
Easy 84 – thanks! Glad to hear you sounding much better this week!
Very strange: HQ hempen shortgloves did NOT do the trick!
I'm leveling my blue mage, which is at level 11 now, I had the hempen dress glove and amateur's duckbill equipped already, easiest 80 ever. xD
I just solo'd Sohm Al 7 times, didn't get ANY kind of breeches.
sound better man, keep having tea ^^/
Thank you.