In this video I talk about the current Meta in FFXIV Endwalker. If you have been watching my content for a while you are very well aware of my stance on the meta and quite frankly to fu*k it. But the meta needs to be addressed and so I rant and talk and give my thoughts on the matter.
If you are interested in debate and debauchery in my snowflake melting discord, feel free to join!
I'd say f the drk but with how squishy it is I might break it lol
I 110% agree with ya! I play what I like, screw the Meta! As a gay man I laughed at the cock in the *ss part & thought I would not mind that, LOL! I just personally came back to Summoner because to me it is a "Summoner" now! People I know are pissed because it no longer has the dps it used too! Reaper is my Main because it is the new shiny & I F*cking Love IT! Stay you Raziel, never partake of the Copium!đ
From healer main perspective, I do agree that it sucks when everything rotates around dps, but when the hardest content to heal in the whole game is dungeon trash pulls, there really isn't anything else that can be easily measured than pew pew.
I wonder where these meta worshippers come from, because since ARR – everything has been clearable with any classes and it is not rare to out dps "meta" classes with something "garbage-tier" either. Would be way more beneficial for people to play what they enjoy to play and stick with that.
Gamers (a subset of) will, no matter what, optimize the fun out of a game.
The only way I can see to prevent this, is design a variety of difficult content, solo, group, raid, pvp, and make sure each type of difficult content requires different optimizations.
FFXIV already allows you to play as any job on one character, diversity of play should be embraced by accentuating job and role distinctions, not by homogenization.
I cant find anybody who really defend the drk right now. Everyone admit it deals a lot of dmg, but everyone also admit it feels horrible to play compare to other tanks. People complain that pld deals too little dmg because, well, fukin drk who is shit in a whole different manner somehow dealing more dmg. They rather pld pull over in dps so only drk stay in the shade.
See, ironically enough the reason why defensive-support tools can be considered so uninteresting next to DPS in this game is, in my opinion, precisely because of the devs being conscious of people being able to play whatever they want. The reason being that what people often overlook about that sentiment is that it has to cut the other way re: class design; it can't just apply to DPS numbers, which is what people usually refer to, it also has to apply to defense/utility as well, because defense is an even more necessary and polarizing part of a group's composition. A good demonstration of this is phys ranged meta back in Shadowbringers; Dancer didn't necessarily always pan out the actual highest DPS option but it was still overwhelmingly the meta pick simply because if they all did basically the same damage anyway, why not take the one that brings the most nice party stuff. Anything that can/does stand out on a healer/tank needs to have some direct equivalent on everyone else bc otherwise groups without that would be screwed, bc frankly, the only way to make defense truly important/interesting in a system based on HP, a purely linear/binary survival check, is to make it necessary and they obviously can't design necessity based on tools a comp might not have. It's why the Clemency spell is always a fundamentally pointless button to press in 99% of situations outside of like, week 1 savage prog on Paladin; if it was actually needed for tanks to actively sacrifice action economy to heal in this game, *every other tank could do it too*. But they can't. So you don't have to. Remember back in vanilla WoW when Warrior was the only tank ever seriously taken into raids bc they had the only tanking-setup with an actual reliable boss taunt? That's the sort of shit defensive homogenization is meant to avert (and even XIV did this shit at first, remember when Gladiator was the single tank to start with provoke? And Warriors had to cross-class or deal with it?)
âItâs more like original FF Dark Knightâ
Fucking hell people donât understand itâs a tank
kinda sad that dark mind, tbn, and living dead remain unchanged but hey at least monk has the 9 stacks of on-demand rampart they sorely needed
Idc about the meta, don't even know what it currently is. In fact I sometimes play the worst jobs out of spite lol! I'm loving reaper atm though, and it just happens to be top dps right now, which feels good, but that's just sprinkles on top for me.
Enrage timers need to be removed, and combat rezes need restrictions… WoW went down this same path. Heh.
I love dark knights in extremes. But in dungeons they are just meh atm. I'm a healer main. My FC leader is a dark, it's dps is great just squishy in dungeons so who fucking cares. I gave to adjust and heal. It's fine in the end though
Yeah i actually quit playing dark knight tho. It just feels horrible to me. I just refuse to bash people for playing it. To clarify my previous post
I've been saying this for years, I want greater challenge, more rewarding 4 man content
And no, deep dungeon doesn't actually fill this niche for me
It's completely possible to remove metas from games but no one wants that, so I'll just keep screaming at the sky
I think that we need challenging 4 man content and actual heal/mit checks to make people's focus on the part of the kit that isn't damage.
With that said removing enrage is a terrible idea because then the meta just shifts to bringing all healers and tanks. If damage isn't necessary having all tanks and healers would be basically a guaranteed clear, albeit a slower one. Limiting combat raises has potential though.
I had this same debate with someone on SGE that loads of people put way too much hyoe on because it does the most damage. The main job of a tank is to live and a healer is to keep the team alive and swing things when everything is going wrong. Being able to do more DPS when everyone plays perfectly, does not mean those jobs are the best. The fact is, a DRK is not foing to do more damage than a PAL and any of the healers combined and because you have to babysit them a lot, as the healer, we can't DPS nearly as much, especially in dungeons. It's the same on the flipside, with SGE in dungeons especially, constantly getting overwhelmed in unoptimized groups where people are getting hit by mechanics, letting people die and then you have weakness to deal with and suddenly that extra DPS potential is out the window because AST may technically do less, but they can burst heal all day and the actual DPS all outdamage SGE. It's frustrating seeing the screwed up perception of the roles with people thinking DPS is the lone measure of whether a job is good or bad.
The thing that i liked the most about tanking is surviving without any help and get a kill, that's what makes warrior the most fun tank to play for me (meta or not i don't care tbh). Doing damage is fun sure, but all the dps do that way better than a tank.
I feel ress should get the blue mage treatment. Healers get have 4 minute cooldown to use it again. The devs could add flair and have say white mage have 2 charges and a 2 minute cooldown. Rdm and smn should have a 10 minute cooldown. The ress weakness can go away, and the mp cost.
On top of this i think tank buster actually need to be able to bust a tank. Doing over 100% of the expected HP of the tanks for that content to force cooldown usage. Sure for more mainline msq around 80% is fine for casual content. Instead most tankbuster are just forced tank swap mechanics which imo i feels is the bad way to have tankbusters, tankbusters shouldn't be skipped by tank swaps.
I know this video is more about end game balance and I agree, but drk on level 50 and early content is horrible, like really really bad. No having the blackest night show all the problem with the class, it tanking identity it too tie down to that skill if that make any sense.
In my p2s clear we killed the boss at 1s left from enrage as gnb, do u think if i was my mian pld would we clear it?
And i agree with u jobs will get buff (mostly in 6.08) and drk will be the worst tank if they didnt rewark some of its cds