Where are the HEALERS in Dawntrail Party Finder groups? People are struggling really hard to find healers to fill up their parties in PF! There’s a lot of FFXIV healer issues coming to the surface finally.
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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV
0:00 Waiting for Healers in Party Finder
0:45 Healer Strike
2:19 Healer DPS toolkits were never addressed
3:39 Why I am playing astrologian
5:33 You can have Kaiten back when you use feint consistently
6:09 Blame is weird
7:25 Healing is the easiest role sure Jan
9:25 Healers are expected to make up for your missed mitigation
11:03 I don’t feel gear is the issue
12:59 Damage difficulty on healer is insane
15:47 I still can’t get over the healer strike
Bearded thicc nerdy gamers looking for a submissive and breedable healer main? UwU daddy Also yes my divination drifted to hell and back cause I was talking ** in discord and totally lost focus lol. Enjoy my meme footage.
It is no surprise at this point.
Like kudos to making stuff harder for DT, there were times I actually felt like a healer. I hope they do more of that
But this really only accounts for a small part of content and being realistic, it would be an unreasonable job to retroactively change all content to make healers work harder.
There is a solution we've LONG been asking for and they keep refusing.
And that's having a good DPS kit.
And if mixed with making content more challenging for healers going forward so they can get to make use of their healing kit feels like a good enough all round solution without asking for too much.
And I cannot really see any other viable solution, because the boredom happens in the downtime and downtime is inevitable and the only way to meaningfully fill that downtime is to contribute towards DPS, because of how the game is designed. But ultimately, we want to be healers, I just accept how big of a job it would be to retroactively fix all content to make healers feel like healers, but DPS would mean giving us more to do for that content…because it's what we're doing already & it's dull AF…so let's just not make it dull AF.
On Eu (light) there is no healer shortage. Every party is missing a phys ranged.
In a nutshell, coordinating mitigations and major healer CDs in a random group of 7 other players isn't a simple task yet healers are expected to just somehow pick up the slack while also doing optimal damage. Unsurprisingly most healers don't want to deal with that added stress so PF has a shortage.
AST was the only healer I enjoyed, it made me feel alive keeping the party/tanks alive during burst – I didn't fall asleep pressing 1. They made it boring and increased the button bloat in the same stroke so I'm just done playing healer.
I made sure to have all 3 types so i could play anything however I'll never forget when i was starting off we was in the nidhogg dungeon fight and the monk wouldn't dodge anything but kept calling me out my name and being a dick. they was stressing me out trying to keep everyone alive and they made it way harder worse time ever and so now i don't enjoy healing after that i normally get forced into it in most games but im a jaded and angry boi now so if someone tries to tell me now i have to try and keep myself calm because i will be spiteful by not bothering at all and just focus on the others
I'm gonna bring up the point that I brought up as a top 1 Disco Priest back when I played WoW. The skill ceiling when playing healer and when your groups perform well, making little to no mistakes, is actually quite low, probably the lowest out of any roles. As long as you can keep people alive, there's not much to do to increase your performance. I guess you can spam your only damage button more? but not really.
But now, in a situation where your group underperforms, they use neither their personal mit nor their raidwide mit AND they happen to take unnecessary damage – your role as a healer suddenly becomes the hardest in the whole game. This shift in difficulty, that fully depends on other players performance, combined with the fact that all the blame goes on to healer every time something goes wrong is definitely the reason people just don't want to heal. It's both inconsistent and unsatisfying to play.
This is also the reason that ever since coming to FFXIV, I am playing a tank instead of a healer, it's so much more fun.
It's kind of funny because the healer strike didn't really happen. What happened was that people just don't want to play a role that is this boring to play. I'm actually happy this is happening because now SE will have to address it. Maybe next expansion.
In my opinion there's a drought because people in PF are assholes to healers.
Missed mitigations and the party wipes to getting one shot? Well, just a healer problem.
DPS just caused a chain reaction of deaths and then the healer is disoriented from fixing their mistakes? Healer problem.
DPS play like greedy little shits, take extra damage, or tanks collecting damage downs like they're trading cards, and then the healer damage suffers fixing mistakes? Healer problem.
You ask them to fix their mistakes and press their mitigations? This healer's an asshole. How dare you criticize me, I did nothing wrong!
It's the opposite experience on EU for me as a healer main, whenever i'm looking for a party, both healers are already taken and the party is waiting for a tank or dps.
Former Scholar main here. Healing sucks. Black Mage doesn't.
The end.
My main is a WHM, but I stopped playing it cause no matter how many mistakes are made by others players. It’s the healers fault if things aren’t perfect. Players are very vocal about frustrations and mean to healers. It’s not fun to have to pick up everyone’s slack and be told you are not doing a good job
i'm baffled by this, the pfs i find never seem to have any issues getting healers, it's always tanks we end up waiting on
That picto comment at the end is on point. 😅
At the casual level, I've been through roulettes recently carried normal runs and gotten almost no comms for the past two weeks. My damage has gone down a lot because I have healed more recently to make up for carrying mechanic mistakes and people dying, which is fine, but it's not motivating to keep up with good gameplay to dip into harder content. Also, naturally, people go back to school and work a lot I imagine people are busy doing other things but when you are tired in a day squeezing 2hrs into a game that isn't motivating it becomes a chore in a demanding role until more content comes out.
maybe we all laughed at the healer strike too much
It cant be understated how a disparity in relative role options impacts this. There’s a reason melees are so popular, it’s because they have 6 jobs to choose from and take up only 2 party slots, Meanwhile tanks and healers are expected to occupy the same amount of slots in a party with only 4 jobs each. Its simple math, the game desperately needs more tank and healer jobs.
Lol this must have been from my Reddit comment.
No problems get a healer on JP server
As a Tank Melee main whos tryed to play healer , i understand thats not satisfying to press 1 1 1 etc. But am i the only person that thinks healer kits should be more like tanks i mean yeah Healer are very efficient but why still adding that much healing & mitigation buttons instead of making less more powerful like tanks then you would have space for more dps options.
DPS gear wise for melee while I do think having how many different sets we have is a bit much, I'd still say having different ones is good, but it should ideally be split in half. Currently its a bit awkward split but having MNK, SAM, NIN, VPR as one gear set with DRG and RPR as their own. SAM I do feel could be shifted to DRG and RPR gear though if we wanted an even split, though new classes could balance it out pretty easily. I do feel trying to limit it down to 1 set thematically though is quite a stretch and doesn't make as much sense given it feels like there is a distinct difference between the more 'agile' melee and the armored 'heavy' dps.
I'll never miss the departure of cleric stance, but they've gone way too far in the oversimplification of healers.
When I picked up WHM it was because it was the most straightforward healing class, but that was back in heavensward when the class still had multiple dots and they had different durations. (and cleric stance still existed) Today it's literally dia and glare. That's it.
I'm not asking for BLM level rotations for dps for healing classes, but this is literally put me to sleep levels of simple.
There's an abundance of healers on Materia, seems to be a lack of tanks more than anything else.
Healers just don't want to PF for the same reason I don't, PF is a shit fest of the lowest denominator raiders.
Yes, there are some gems amongst the shit, but the average PF raider is just not worth dealing with.
Raid with static, ignore PF.
How are you not even turning your camera at all when you should be counting the tower orders? Are you using 3rd party tools that you probably should not?
Too long between content drops. I can’t even get an alliance raid queue to pop, even expert dungeon is 20 minutes minimum…
Yeah haven’t had a problem with healers in PF. This is another vocal minority scenario and will fall into the abyss of “Forgotten Complaints “.
Yup,imagen using mitigation to help Healers and Tank mitigate……. truth be told,in PF almost nobody cares about mitigation,and some always have to compensate.
Ngl. I been seeing a lack of picto/tanks for some reason as a healer main 😂
I always use feint and see feint useD in EU. Rather, I see too often my feint being overwritten -_-
I'm an AST main rejoining my static late in the tier after dropping before clearing P12S due to burnout.
The healer strike is one part healer playability not being addressed, nine parts healers being absolutely done getting shit on for other peoples mistakes. I can play perfectly, but a DPS fucks up and we wipe, but it's somehow my fucking fault. It's perfectly understandable that we healer mains are fed up with hard carrying ungabunga's through a tier.
For example. I'm playing catchup with the static, right? They've got several weeks head start on me. I quick prog through 1 and 2 without too many issues. But 3 is where the PF hell starts. Most of the time, DPS can't activate help but meme the KB towers on BB.. If it's not BB, it's getting clipped by an avoidable aoe on Fusedown. If it's not Fusedown, it's going to the wrong fuse on Fusefield or derping into the death circle. Two wipes in, it's mine and my cohealers fault despite dumping my entire kit to try to stabilize for someone elses mistake.
Healer is already the most mentally demanding role in hardmode content. I willingly play the role because the other roles are boring by comparison(And AST because it's the most complex and rewarding of the 4). That said, I don't need randoms giving me shit for their mistakes. So I will only join with members of the static, or alternates I trust, ideally with a minority of randoms. If members of my static aren't available, I'm just not gonna go in cuz I don't wanna deal with the shit.
With regards to your erroneous Kaiten comment. PF randoms are single braincell idiots. Don't punish the good SAM's by taking away their feel-good toy because PF randoms don't know how to fucking weave. I mained SAM in ShB, cleared E12S on it. Give me back my what made the job fun.
I feel like this conversation happens literally every single tier. There's no doubt that healers have its issues, but it always going to be an underplayed class due to the nature of it being a support. Every game that has this sort of trifecta of roles always has less people playing the support class, it's not unique to FFXIV. There's hardly any evidence I've seen numbers-wise outside of anecdotal statements, which is hard to take very seriously.
Again, I'm not stating that Healer doesn't have problems, or that people shouldn't speak their mind about them, but things like Healer "shortages" and the such are largely unsubstantiated, and take away from the conversation about the fundamental issues of the role. I believe that if healer shortages were truly at such a level where it was severely hampering the formation of parties and the like, Square would have full data and would make it a priority to solve, as content literally cannot be done without them in DF due to forced compositions.
In europe we have a gigantic TANK shortage, not healers
I retired from healing in shb because im sick of being judged on DPS. Dos that think they know my job better than me and 1% wipes.
Stop coping dudes double dot is never coming back that would make sage head and shoulders overcotger dps.
pff. last time we didnt find a dps what so ever after 30-40min. then after that we couldnt find another tank. >.>
Honestly i think in general if yoshi-p doesn't want to give you all a dps rotation again since apparently healers had them back in stormblood and the players than whined and cried about it and got it removed, i do personally think they need to take a page out of WoW's book and add in just aura's or even just more damage instances. healers have like what 6-7 healer buttons that you just dont press unless the party is dying to dumb mechs? if healers were forced to do anything else but spam broil or insert the 1 damage button here, id imagine it could go a long way for you all.
Healing just kinda sucks in this game. you're expected to spam dps, never cast your main healing spells, waste your core emergency heals to get MP or do damage, or even worse.. play whm. WHM needs a major rework, as does healing at lower levels. either things are extremely boring and uneventful in 95% of content or you're constantly struggling to keep the same 3 people alive that get hit by every single mechanic over and over again. sure, it makes healing more engaging, but babysitting ends up leading to less attention to the constant dance of mechanics you need to avoid while rezzing every 40 seconds with no MP. all that work and you MIGHT get 1 comm lol.
it's kinda bad when healing is more interesting in FF11 than modern MMOs.
In this same video you complain healing is jsut 1,1,1,1,1 then also complain because you had to stop dpsing to gcd heal/shield. o/ I personally feel fights should be tuned so that healers have to heal more and being able to dps becomes a privilege rather than something expected.
Maybe it's only in NA/EU datacenter because at JP datacenter (I'm in Mana, Masamune) Healers are always filled and full in PF all time.
this elitist attitude of "i don't play this type of content because i'm so good at this game that anything below savage/mythic/ultimate is BORING and MIND NUMBING" is getting really old, go become a billionaire irl and make the world a better place if you want a challenge.
If people are tired of waiting for healers, then they should stop being dps one tricks and learn the damn role. There's 21 jobs in the game. A healer in full crafted gear is more than enough. PF players really need to learn to flex other roles.
I'm out of the loop with FFXIV. I quit right before Dawntrail started (specifically because healer design is trash in this game and it will never get better), so I'm not well informed about the current state of things, but I have kept an eye on some of the main topics and I'm curious about something: If some players are "striking" by playing DPS or Tank instead, how exactly is that "hurting" other players? Aren't people allowed to play whatever job they want? I've seen words thrown around whenever the strike is mentioned like "selfish," or "entitled," but like… what's the difference between a DPS player who doesn't play healer and a former healer who's swapped to DPS?
Aida Roads
Idk why you would blame healers by default, I just blame who ever makes the mistake may it be tank dps or healers, 9/10 times its the dps making mistakes in my experience and im dps main
i mean yea u can't get good logs on ast unless you do dedicated parties for it that is bis and resets as soon as there's one dmg down
I have spent 1.5hrs at the highest waiting for healers in savage pf.
And during these moments i see anywhere between 3 – 10 partys with two empty green spots.
I find healers are also the most impatient when mistakes happen in the pull and leave…because they're not used to waiting over an hour for team mates for a duty pop.
Not every healer of course but just my personal experience in EU Light DC
Cleared all savage with every role and healing is the hardest job by far.
As Tank the only thing that change with every grp is just reprisal and it's really easy to adjust for the co-tank. Plus points if the ot use his mit on mt so healer don't even have to heal the mt this is very noticable in m4. Remember tanks if u use reprisal well u cover half of the fight and every mech of the boss.
As dps just throw ur mit on cd and u can cover half the raidwides or difficult mech. Plus points if u use ur heal on cd so u can save some gcd from the healers.
As healer even if u have ur cd charted out u have to deal with the 2 above not doing their job so most of the time the fight even if should be easy on paper can become hard or even a nightmare.
Personally ive seen far more of a dps shortage in pf. Which sounds insane but literally seeing so many PFs with full tanks and full healers waiting on 1 or 2 dps for literally 30 minutes plus.
That being said im still really sad that their "give us something" solution was to just give each healer a funny 2 minute addition. But the healing needed still isnt high enough to make healers even have fun. WHM is once again behind on dps while also being behind on literally getting anything given to it to make the job versatile. I cant even do proper healing as a WHM because my cohealer SHIELD HEALERS have too much pure healing and can literally just make it look like im only overhealing and barely doing anything. Im still surprised that WHM asylum didnt get given a mitigation to it but im not really surprised since the devs seem to hate WHM.
I can solo heal anything by spamming out gcd heals, the challenge i get is figuring out how to do the minimum amount of heals without griefing my cohealer or my party lol. And besides a few mechanics, its incredibly easy to just…not heal things immediately and just let passive regens/ogcd usage heal in between mechanics. (Now tell that to other PF healers who panic if people arent topped immediately lol)
Honestly I don't even do High lv dungeon roulette / Leveling roulette with healers anymore. They throw hissy fits over nothing and we just dont need them. I usually just go 1 Tank 1 rdm and the other 2 DPS. I even done a few 1 RDM 3 DPS and still won.