FFXIV ENDWALKER! What Could the new Melee DPS be! Prediction Time! (Chaos Discussion)

Here’s my 2 cents on what I thought on what the Melee DPS could be for ENDWALKER! Let’s Get It!

Link to Husky’s cover of ENDWALKER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdV4F4i6t3A&ab_channel=HuskybytheGeek

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25 thoughts on “FFXIV ENDWALKER! What Could the new Melee DPS be! Prediction Time! (Chaos Discussion)”

  1. I bought into the 'scythe theories' but not 100% sure, but one thing for certain is if new melee class use scythe, I think SQEN gonna use 'Death Sickle' from FFV for Zenos as in that game it has a chance to cause instadeath on the attack an it's only scythe in the game.

    Measure from the madness and sadistic nature of Zenos who's not reluctanly set the world on fire to prepare the final showdown.I think it's a small feat for him to sought this deadly artifact to replace an inferior 'ame-no-habakiri' which he ditch without a second thought and suit the theme 'Death Incarnate' himself though

  2. Yoshi-P has become such a fantastic troll that the shirt could really go either way. Because if we look at the first shirt, "Filth and the Fury", its a reference to a Movie about the Sex Pistols, directed by Julien Temple. So with the new Job sharing Gear with Dragoon and that, we might as well be close to a Templar Announcement, with Zenos just being in the trailer to show off his new weapon and troll the whole community. Either way, i believe it will be fantastic to see what comes out of this.

  3. I personally think the class’ll be named Reaper or Fel Knight, due to (as you mentioned) restrictions to references to death in China, but I’m definitely hoping for a scythe. Now watch Yoshi come out and reveal Onion Knight. 😅

  4. You're getting a lot better at video editing, it's very noticeable. Could do well with an outro and intro needs work.

    As for the video, yeah, I hope we get a Reaper, that be freaking dope! If we do I hope that Mogstation Sythe weapon becomes compatible with the job. IM STILL waiting on the DEVS to convert Lightning's gunblade for Gunbreakers

  5. My predictions for the jobs name knowing that it wields a scythe, shares gear with DRG and will be picked up by Zenos:
    Fell Knight
    Grim Knight
    Dragon Knight

  6. Zepla pointed out a scythe wielding job that was connected to the moon(I don't remember the specifics), so maybe not a reaper/necromancer, but something similar with more ties to light or the moon, with Zenos being a dark version of the job. (Kinda like how other games with a Paladin and Dark Paladin where they are the same thing, but their power comes from different sources)

  7. In that scene where you see the back of the throne, I believe that's actually the other end of whatever weapon it is, not the actual scythe blade section. If you looking closely as it leaves the frame, you can see we are in fact looking at the entire object passing in front of the left side of the throne (it's slightly poking out through the gap). I think it's probably a counterbalance to some sort of polearm for sure though. Ran'jit has something similar on his scythe, except it's like a little hook.

    All in all, I hope that the scythe is rather large like DRG lances cuz I want a big weapon. XD

  8. I could see Exorcist(Bravely Second) since it would be able to do dark/ailment attacks while being unique in have some time magic. But it could be a lot of things, Judge, Templar, Hell Knight, honestly it could be a red herring and the hint could be "rock" and Zenos stands up to reveal that the "sickle" is actually part of a giant bell and it's Geomancer lol. It's really hard to say.

  9. Maybe it doesn't mean a job prediction or maybe a new feature. The Filth and the Fury a documentary about the SEX pistols.. maybe predicting Male Vieira and de femele hrothgar because of those key words. Sex for genders and etc..

    Just speculations here

  10. You know, there's also another direction they could take a scythe wielder that avoids the whole Death/Necromancer route. There's actually a character in the game who wields a scythe when you fight him, who doesn't use the spirits of the dead to fight for him.

    Ran'jit. He actually fights you with a scythe when you fight him as Thancred, which is a form he attains by merging with his dragon buddy.

    Honestly, I think it actually makes a little bit of sense. This is a job that will be likely sharing a similar aesthetic to the dragoons anyways due to their gear. It's very possible, especially considering our involvement with Ishgard in the past with bringing peace between dragons and the people of Ishgard, that we could actually see a job where you merge with a dragon the same way Ran'jit merges with his, becoming a warrior that wields a scythe and fights using attacks that are augmented like his. It could even be called a Templar or Temple Knight and still make some sense, considering the Holy See of Ishgard in this game is so closely tied to dragons. Also, considering that Zenos once merged with a dragon himself, it's something I could see him using in the battle ahead.

    Just a thought, really. It may not hold water, but I can't really shake it from my mind, especially considering Gunbreaker was something we saw in fights prior to Shadowbringers.

  11. as a die hard BST from FFXI im still praying its BST with a scythe, im thinking they might make DRGs new move for max level be "Call Wyvern" and the new idea behind maiming gear will be for melee pet DPSs

  12. I agree with you in terms of the job theme. And I think they're going to model it after Sice from Type-0. I think they're heavily hinting at that with 5.5, given that that's the patch where they're re-introducing the rainmaker hairstyle (which happens to be based on her), and there is the line Zenos utters, "I shall drink a sea of souls"—harnessing the souls of fallen enemies is precisely how Sice powers up.

  13. So Yoshi P's shirts in his latest reveals are each a rock band so that could point to the new class being Geomancer as Geology is the study of rocks. However, one of the shirts has a reaper on it which could point to Necromancer. Another thing that supports this is, one of the bands "Children of Bodom" ( which is a shirt Yoshi P wore ) has a reaper on most if not ALL of their album covers.


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