Will be streaming my entire Final Fantasy run on twitch at Twitch.tv/KorokosoVT 🙂 hope yall can make it! I love doing reacts, should i react to the other FFXIV trailers?




  1. Hello there! Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV! To answer a question, the guy in the shiny armor with the sword and shield is a Paladin in this cinematic, and that character model is in every trailer as a stand-in for you, the player. Paladin is exclusively a tank class, and if you want to be one, then you need to start off as a Gladiator. The main character (you) appears as a different class/job in every trailer, and you can roleplay that if you like, since you can level every single class/job on a single character. Also, I feel I should mention that watching this particular trailer is akin to watching a trailer for Avengers: Endgame before you even get started on Phase One of the MCU. There's an order to things. When you launch the game, in the main menu you can watch cinematic trailers for each expansion and/or the base game, and then it will take you to the launch screen from when that was the latest content at the time. I highly recommend not skipping any out of order if you care about spoilers, because there are some surprises that will shock you like the Red Wedding did for Game of Thrones fans who didn't have the books to prepare them.

    Once again, Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV! I hope you enjoy your time! And remember! There's a free trial up to level 60, with no limits on time spent doing everything there is to do up until then. That includes the base game and the first expansion. ^_^

  2. Late game raider myself (Omni healer but can tank any raid as well) my static will be hitting the newest ultimate coming out tomorrow. The late game content is different in this game I did come from smite as a top support main so I was doing pvp before this. I love raiding more tbh

  3. Music is a big part of the story in FF14. It even used as a means for revelation later on for you to reflect upon. Not many video games does this and from what I recall, no MMORPG has done that. So, it's something many new players gloss over. Pay close attention to some of the music while you are going thru the game.

  4. WoW trailer cinematic are like individual big events within the story, while FFXIV ones are more like story concept videos. They're not the exact events, but a mesh of ideas and themes that the story will hit on. With some sweet music added in. The music here in the Endwalker trailer actually has parts of the themes of every other expansion in it. When you finish the other expacs, come back to this one and listen closely, you'll be able to pick out all the themes. It's because this is the big finale of the first full "saga" of the story.

  5. Welcome to Eorzea! I read through some of the comments and I'm glad to see you are enjoying yourself. I loved my journey through the game and I found it getting better through each expansion. 🙂

  6. as a fellow dragon lover, you'll SUPER love Heavensward and the bit right after!! Welcome to FF14 friend! [ also yes the blonde man is very beautiful, and a favorite character of mine personally LOL ]

  7. "What class is that man" is a bit hard to answer, in the English version he is the class known as PALADIN, but in truth, in the Japanese version, the class is called ナイト (Naito – Knight).
    The reason why the EN team decided to go with Paladin was because the Paladin class name was very popular in competing MMO such as World of Warcraft.

    However, this came back to bite them, as the lore of the class and the class quests have absolutely nothing to do with what a traditional Paladin would do, as they are not in truth, a Paladin.
    It gets even more irritating when in Endwalker, the "Paladin" got a lot of abilities of the evolved Knight class, the Sword Saint (剣聖, Kensei)

    The TLDR is that the English version calls the class "Paladin" but you are basically playing as the Knight.

  8. First, if you honestly plan to play just know that ARR is a little bumpy / the pacing is a bit off, but if you go into it knowing that and can make it to HW you will be rewarded immensely. Also, try to not look at trailers for other expansions because some may contain spoilers to previous expansions which is significant even without context.

  9. So funny story
    I had ff14 installed for like a year without opening it until I saw this trailer drop with a friend who was a active player. Instantly made me start a character and have not regretted it.

    But recommending the game requires a bit of context. ARR (2.0) was being made at the same time from the ground up as they were trying to fix/end the final half of 1.0; which can only be described as a trashfire (incredibly interesting story that I recommend checking a documentary on). So the stories pacing can feel slow even after numerous updating strait up deleting like 100 filler story quests.

    That being said it's not all bad and with the right mindset you can just vibe with it and make your way through it. Helps you're also at a great time cause they updated alot of the older poorly designed dungeons and introducing important raid mechanics way earlier in the game where it's less punishing (where previously something would just show up for the first time with no context in a raid wipe situation potentially).
    Great community, very open communication to the team, great music, and a story that's been lovingly crafted over 11 years; it's very hard not to appreciate the game.

  10. Personally I think the Shadowbringers trailer is better, because the Endwalker trailer leaves too many questions and there's little context as to what or why things are happening……for example, Shadowbringers is accepted because the only premise is that you have more bad guys to fight, a given through the game with some reveals and hooks to get you interested (like seeing characters you know but young, etc) but in Endwalker many asked the obvious "Why are we on the moon" ? But I get it that alot of people wanted to see Old Sharlayan.

  11. Hey! Been playing 14 for several years now, started as paladin. Played every class but I always go back and main it haha! Hope you enjoy the game, take it at your own pace, enjoy the ride. And welcome, my friend!

  12. In WoW, your character isn't the main character. The NPCs are the main characters and you just kind of witness their exploits and happen to be close by when they do all the important things. In FF14, you're the main character and the driving force behind the narrative. So in WoW, the CGI movies tend to consist of major story events that the NPCs who are the actual focus of the story do something big and important, and then you play the game reacting to the events they set in motion. In FF14, the CGI movies are more about setting the stage for the story that will actively unfold around you as you play the expansion.

    It's worth noting also that, in FF14, old content remains relevant and the story builds upon everything that came before. So each expansion doesn't erase the other and isn't self contained. To understand the events of Endwalker, you need to play through A Realm Reborn, Heavenswards, Stormblood and Shadowbringer. Each one ties into the next and tells a continious narrative that builds up to the events in Endwalker (and beyond). So take your time, play the whole story, and enjoy one of the finest journeys in all of gaming.

  13. Wait, you were using that vtuber model BEFORE playign FFXIV? Like as a WoW player? It's gonna feel like yer home now when you finally start playing, lol.

  14. You probably should have played the game before watching the newest cinematic so you get the whole thing, because there is some spoilers in this but…lol glad you enjoyed


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