Enjoy (Credits to Valynne/Boxer/Jahaudant)
This is the updated version of the Day 1 i posted when Endwalker early access released. It is the one i posted in the pinned comments/description.
1st cycle at 0m: 2x Meikyo, 2x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
2nd cycle at 1m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (1 filler)
3rd cycle at 2m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
4th cycle at 3m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame (2 fillers)
5th cycle at 4m: 1x Meikyo, 1x Tsubame, Ogi (0 fillers)
6th cycle at 5m: 1x Meikyo, 0x Tsubame (0 fillers)
7th cycle at 6m: big pot window burst
#ff14 #samurai #rotation
So happy to see you again as catgirl . And thanks for this video, that’s help a lot about fillers!