FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 30: At the End of Everything

This expansion was a ROLLER COASTER.

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33 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 30: At the End of Everything”

  1. somewhere inside Zenos, when he is told of Ultima Thule, something cackles insanely. it does not have words, precisely, anymore; it sacrificed all that made it human, all it had ever hoped for, to bring an incarnation of raw despair and hatred into being. but some shadow remains.
    it forged a god to answer the question of what remains when all hope is gone, and it saved the universe by doing so.
    "This is fate," says Meteion. and in the silence after?

    "Come then, adventurer, AND SEE WHAT LIES ON ITS FAR SIDE."

    because Ilberd found the answer to Hermes' question and it was "fuck you for asking."

  2. I don't think I will ever be more hype than phase 2 of that trial, just absolute pure perfection.

    Down to the smallest details like how the skybox is our light vs her dark, or how she's clearly panicking and can do nothing but wildly flail at us.

    Just so so good

  3. Your reaction of Shinryu’s (Zenos’) reveal is the best reaction I’ve ever heard! Although that you picked the top line: “I don’t need your help!” I picked the bottom line: “If it comes to it, I’m not saving you!”

  4. I really really loved endwalker. The Narrative have just a great meaning in it.It was a great ending to the Hydealin/Zodiark story.I think killing 1 of the scions really would not fit in FFXIV storytelling. The point of the story was not dealing with the death of a scion more like how bad things seems never give up ''Hope'' that thinks can always change to better times which is a good massage even for reallife and ''Meaning of life'' which is actually another good Massage. What brings u joy in ur life?What makes it that makes ur life worthful. But we got another 10 years so better still worry that 1 of them can die. I really hope it is not 1 of my precious twins :(.

  5. And thus starts the point of the game where 2nd dungeon bosses just really really don't like me doing trusts. I still haven't finished 6.1. XDD
    Also the music during Endsinger WAS SO GOOD. I just wanted to jam out instead of pay attention to the fight oops. XD

  6. 5.3のEndingをあえて彷彿とさせる展開がエモい。っていうか、オールスターで初めて戦った的な演出とtrailerのあの曲ここでか!っていう…。やられた。歓喜っていうか泣くぞ、泣け?あと、ゼノスは宇宙船も要らないストーキング怖すぎる。うちの子は女のコだから貞操の危機をマジで危惧したわ。絶対についてくるマンどうすればいいのよ!

  7. Ultima Thule was already pretty emotionally exhausting, but my God the Dead Ends? That was something else. One of the rare times I read every lore point, and still I'm not entirely sure if it was a good idea or not

    The fate of the Grebuloffs got me the most ngl. I'm already pretty bad with disease at the best of times but seeing something like that get completely out of control? I was not okay for a bit after the first boss. Especially as I took the time to see what they looked like under their helmets and could just make out their otter-like appearance, instantly regretted that >.>

  8. I dont know if anyone's pointed it out yet but when Meteion says hear your words, share your feelings, know your thoughts, it sounds a lot like Hear, Feel, Think that we hear Hydaelyn say all the time.

  9. This is precisely how you end a 10+ year story, after all the feels to the lead up, we get a SPECTACLE, AMAZING and aappropriately feeling final boss, and the halfway point in the fight, i died SO MANY times cause i was just vibin to the music, i fucking love this game!

  10. How dare you make us wait another week for the uh… "reunion"? Kidding aside, looking forward to that since it was honestly the most hype moment of the whole expansion for me.

  11. Right after finishing Endwalker back in December, I made an alt to replay the entire game from scratch again. Funnily enough, I just finished Endwalker on that alt the day before this video was uploaded XD

  12. Can we just appreciate how Zenos calls the literal embodiment of rage and despair a 'distraction'? As if the Endsinger was nothing at all?

    And speaking of the Endsinger, can we also appreciate how she's just about the only boss I can think of who has used her actual 'rewind time' mechanic to 'reset' her 'ultimate attack'? Any other boss may have just gone 'wait, how did you survive?!' Endsinger? 'You forgot one little detail… I have been rewinding time on planetary collisions through this fight.'

    I was wondering how you were going to end this video. I suspected it'd be two more – this one and a finale next week. Thought you'd end this video after our, well… 'private reunion' with Zenos. (As he called it.) Now to wait one more week for the (presumed) last video!


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