FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 26: The Measure of our Worth

Hear, Feel, Think…

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21 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 26: The Measure of our Worth”

  1. That dungeon final boss fight always reminds me of Yoshi-P's promise that Fandaniel isn't the final fight of the expansion.

    Because while true, it doesn't mention how many times we fight him across the expansion.

  2. Fun fact:
    When designing the trust system to be doable for the Hydaelyn trial, they purposefully made each scion behave differently based on lore. The most obvious one?

    Y'shtola perfectly dodges all AoEs/attacks, because she can literally see the flow of Aether, so she knows where the attacks will go. Is also why, for one of the first attacks, she literally says "I see it!"

  3. The dungeon was both lots of fun and full of feels with the spirits of friends helping. I had a blast against Hydaelyn. I did it with Trust and must admit I got a bit cocky and thus wiped at an awkward 0.something percent left. Oops. XDD

  4. Their weren't many times I bawled during this expansion but picking that second option at the end, I lost it. It was right before work too so I had to force myself to be happy when I was crying inside still.


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