FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 15: Thank you Dev Team

The moon is a wonderful place… ;-;
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18 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Reactions Part 15: Thank you Dev Team”

  1. Urianger is one of my favorite characters and I wanted so badly to just give him a big old hug. Just wanna tell him that I trust him and that I've got his back no matter what.

  2. This bit at 11:30 or so is such a treasure. It's like I've been invited to a sleepover.

    > person-A: zzzzzz
    > person-B: …hey are you awake
    > person-A: no
    > person-B: anyway so I was thinking about Zenos
    > person-A: go to sleep
    > person-B: hey do you think Zenos is gonna be our friend in the end
    > person-A: no, but a minute ago I was sleeping, and I remember thinking, let this moment last forever

  3. I’m surprised, and actually kinda happy you mentioned Halo. Though it doesn’t seem too related (maybe some of the Forerunner areas, maybe), but I guess it doesn’t matter all too much, here.

  4. As someone who's first FF game was FF4, this was such a blast of nostalgia and I BAWLED for a good minute when I recognized the town theme instantly, though I always referred to it as Baron's Theme cause that is where I heard it most often. And my reaction to the FF4 battle theme was the same, though I couldn't happy scream cause it was the early morning when I got there, but I was bouncing in my chair as well. Now I just need a Orchestrion Roll of it, and I'm shoving that in my Orchestrion and its never coming out.

  5. I gotta say this was the only part of Feelswalker that didn't really "land" for me, but it's not because this part is bad or anything like that, I think it's just because I've never played any other FF title except 14. I only just started getting into gaming a few years ago and the number of games I've played is barely in double digits. That all being said, I still enjoyed playing it, I just didn't get as much out of it as those who have played other FF games. Once again I'm grateful to content creators like you, RaptorChan for sharing your playthrough as it helps me get more out of parts like this that I otherwise wouldn't fully understand. Great vid as always!


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