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dreading floor 2 savage though
I’m mostly afraid of P2S because it feels like normal has waaaaaay too much health for a second fight of a tier
The fight just drags and drags even if nothing goes wrong
Feels like I’m doing something wrong with my damage, ngl
I hate lalafells.
The amount of team wide damage in this fight already sucks to handle as is as a Healer so I'm not quite looking forward to this in Savage.
I like this type of content. I was thinking of doing it myself before your first video, but while i have raided since creator, I don't have that much foresight. I suppose it would be easier on a stream just talking about it with people, rather than making a whole concise video on it. I appreciate this type of series and I hope you do it for every launch tier! Also more reason for them to add the 2 week delay every tier xD
You don't suspect the head that is split off will not come back into the arena as an add?
I find this one the toughest to predict out of the 4
Since Im pretty sure I'll be pugging this will be useful while waiting for the pug strats tk develop. Someone's gotta organize the pug monkeys early on right?
Great content as always Happs
I’ve been doing the extreme trials so these should be exciting (regardless of how accurate your advice is).