Oh boy, I Finally Decided to Try World Of Warcraft.. FFXIV Player Perspective

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5 thoughts on “Oh boy, I Finally Decided to Try World Of Warcraft.. FFXIV Player Perspective”

  1. Blood Elves are High Elves and only called themselves blood elves in honoring all the dead when they almost stopped to exist.

    Sylvanas was a ranger general of that time trying to stop Artha's genocide against the people, but just died by his blade, then risen, corrupted and controlled as Banshee, used to slaughter her own people further until she could break free.

    After this she was mainly undead, a Banshee, but she regained her old body and pretty much possessed it.

    She liberated many more of Arthas's victims, creating the Forsaken, but while those would haev wanted to be on the Alliance side as mainly former humans and elves, the Alliance simply saw them as monster so they joined the Horde instead.

    Sylvanas, even though still distorted by Frostmourne and with brutal means, constantly fought for freedom of will (what doesn't mean that she wouldn't force people to do things against their wills as means to reach this goal). This goes as far as even wagering war, when she saw the Afterlife and how this was sheer tyranny against mortals. After that life lost all meaning, because in comparison to the eternity of that Afterlife, life was "but a flicker" and all the wars there just child's play of "toy soldiers in tin plates".

    Sylvanas was brutal in her ways, but she never fought for a bad thing and always a higher goal.

  2. To be fair, those world trees are abnormalities, often linked to the Titans, who are pretty questionable in all their meddling (they are god of orders – order in an extreme sense = nothing else allowed) and beside this mainly a thing for night elves wanting to stay immortal.

    Overall Sylvanas is very cold blodded and does not care much for hatred or any other emotions. She needed a lot of dead people, since their souls are pretty much the power fuel in the afterlife and she and the god she was working with there needed that power to break the prison and system of tyranny. The god betrayed her in the end and went against liberating mortals – but Sylvanas instantly went against him when he did this even though it costed her pretty much everything she got.

  3. The general background of WoW is the cosmic war between the cosmic forces:

    Chaos (or Fel)

    In balance between them exists reality and those forces constantly fight each other over taking control and while some like Life, Order and Light seem to be more benevolent toward mortals, them actually winning the war would just be as desastrous, because every cosmic force is radical in its PoV, that's why you need the counter force to balance it out.

    The problem is, that mortals, no matter how powerful, are just a joke in comparison to the powers of the cosmic forces, so pretty much every single powerful mortal always relies on a cosmic force on way or another.

    For example the power of Arthas came from Death and while was was not even a god level servant of that force this alone made him invincible enough that no one could have stopped him, he would have won the fight against him against the whole army of Alliance and Horde and made him undead slaves like all others.

    Only the intervention of another cosmic Force, the Light, prevented this, as it shattered Frostmourne, the main source of the Lich King's power and link to Death.

    Aszhara as another example is one of the most powerful mortal mages in existence, but even she was utterly powerless against cosmic forces and by that made deals with other cosmic forces to be strong enough to withstand.

    Of course, in the end, this rarely works out very well, because even if you think you are a queen, you are still just a tool for them.

    A big point going on for mortals is Azeroth, the world soul and pretty much main prize of the cosmic war, because all cosmic forces seem to be sure that Azeroth's power is immense and whoever controls it, will rule supreme.

    Azeroth meanwhile, while still a big ? what 'she' actually is and how 'she' stand to mortals, had often enough empowered mortals meanwhile, mainly to save 'herself' though. N'Zoth an 'old god' of the cosmic force Void was for example destroyed by Azeroth via mortals delivering the "targeting marker" and Zovaal, a god of Death, was also killed by mortals empowered by Azeroth (again: no chance without that).

    So overall Azeroth could be another player and if there is a good standing toward mortals a power that could end the Cosmic War without desastrous ends for mortals.


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