gear used item level 590 perfectionist scrip gear integral accessories fully melded
Minimum stats required 3700 craftmanship 3200 control
my stats required 3702 craftmanship 3233 control 550 cp
food hq cp tea from endwalker hq cp draught blue
35 dur rotation
muscle memory
waste not
final apprasial
ground work
preparatory touch
preparatory touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
masters mend
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
great strides
byregots blessing
basic synthesis
70 dur rotation requires 5 4 3 hq mats depends on item. (9mats 5 hq) (7mats 4hq) (5mats 3 hq)
muscles memory
waste not 2
final apprasial
preparatory touch
preparatory touch
preparatory touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
prudent touch
trained finesse
great strides
byregot’s blessing
basic synthesis!/tid=CUSA00572_00
I almost cried when my overmelded gear had max cp and control, but lacked craftmanship by a few hundred points….. thanks Zane for bringing me hope without having to remeld my gear!
thanks for the video, u have reversed "veneration" and "waste not II" in the description in the 70 dur rotation
A link to the gear with melds on teamcraft would help a lot.
Will this setup also make the new grade 7 pots and foods?
Brilliant thanks for this hitting 90 on my crafters this week
I owe you, Zane. I owe you a ton! I was so close. So, so close, but couldn't quite get there. Now I am there! Happy gil-making days 😀
So wait…with the pactmaker set fully over melded and the tools, realistically I shouldn't have to meld the tools and I can get the same results so long as my mats are HQ?
Dang still looks like i have to pentameld some stuff, i was hoping it would be like 5.4 crafts where you can get away with only using the scrip gear
Is your gear the best or MB’s gear?