I reject this nonsense. Final Fantasy XIV in no way shape or form even at it’s absolute worst point comes even close to being even in the same dimension the same reality the same multiverse as Dustborn or Concord.
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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV
0:00 Dawntrail is worse than Dustborn
0:13 I like bearded nerdy gamer guys
0:28 Concord and Dustborn aren’t good
0:49 Dawntrail’s Combat is Superb
2:22 Best Savage Raid Tier Ever
3:20 Dawntrail Cities are INCREDIBLE
4:48 Music is great
4:52 Female Hrothgar
5:33 Dawntrail UI and Systems Additions
6:18 Pictomancer and Viper are wildly popular
7:23 Wuk Lamat has more character in her pinky than any Concord character
8:18 Dawntrial had to compete with Shadowbringers and Endwalker
10:05 Dawntrail’s Weakpoints
11:42 The worst part of Dawntrail
12:17 The Giants Speech
12:52 Wuk Lamat
13:37 Wuk Lamat wasn’t the worst thing
I reject this nonsense.
If Yoshi P predicted mixed reception of this expansion, why are you so mad about negative reviews? Main director knew the expansion is not as good as others
Disappointment scales to expectations.
lol yall are doing too much. The worst ff14 expansion is still good. It’s only comparatively bad.
story was 5/10 but the rest of the game is 9/10 so i don't care about the complaining about story any more after 3 months players need to have more faith in the way there doing things going forward and the reviews are not lower only the recent reviews are lower its still mixed since day one please read thing better man and don't false single players to come in here and not reading only listening to you and thinking its true from the 1st thing you said. Comparing this game to those trash games is so wrong there not even in the same ball park even alittle.
i feel like theres a group of players that has a vendetta against the msq. they think if they tear it down they can get better battle content
calling this tier the easiest when O1S exists LMFAO!
I'm sure it is not worse than fing dustbin
Talk about overdramatic
Why would you even care about steam reviews? I don't get it as a person with no internet presence.
Yes, Dawntrail IS that bad.
The Viper job alone obliterates Trashcord
They'll be back 😉
Dawntrail is the beginning of the end for ff14. Endwalkers patches have been the worst state 14 has been for a while and the game really needed something good to convince people to not quit. Dawntrail did the exact opposite. I’m certain many people felt like, let’s wait for Dawntrail before quitting, but after this they will never return.
I didnt just dislike dt msq, but I straight up despised it. Vomit inducing
This is ultimately a Justice League animated season 1 situation just with FFXIV. It how they handle the criticism and carry forward from there.
Battle content has been amazing, so I hope they keep the moment for that going.
Honestly I dont know why people are super upset about DT. Like yall, we have the games combat and dungeons and such in an excellent state and youre mad bc the region based on mexico and the western Americas LOOKS like its based on mexico and the midwest?!?
"Oh the areas looked similar" youre looking at a country in a tropical region that has a lot of differences but not to the different countries every few steps level. ShB and EW covered a LOT of ground in different places, theres no reason at all the new zones would look similar to each other which is very different from DT where every zone is attached to one another. Its like going across Uldah and being upset that some areas are pure sand and lead to deserts and ruins and some are more full of life and vegetation and lead to the shroud.
MSQ wasnt up to par" to what? Each previous expansion worked off of the one before. DT does not. It has to make you care and beyond Erenville Wuk Lamat and Krile, we dont have to care about the other scions. Theyre important to the story at the end when we need their help but the idea that you have to be there to do nothing but watch every time your friends do something without you is painful when its like, YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO!
I dont want to have to babysit everyone at all times, especially as we've come so far alongside each other. Krile needs us for character growth and Wuk Lamat is trying (noticeably hard) to make the players care about the country theyre in. She doesnt have the same safety as Raubahn and the other leaders. Theyve been around forever and we like them. She has not and so has to go through the training montage to become a suitable ruler and to become more personable.
The complaints ive seen across various videos from the playerbase is wild as I finally get into a story without Ascians and shadowy figures, with us exploring a new country on foot (good and bad), and visiting Alexandria. Of course theres gonna be parts that arent as good but its also trying to be new and it is! Im just glad the games combat can keep up with anything they throw at us so im not bored while enjoying the lore and story
I think its time for a Vana'diel expansion
What's up with these clickbait tiles and thumbnails? We dont need big block letters and pointers arrows, thanks. 🤡🤡🤡
Be better.
For me, just because 4 raids are nice doesn't mean the game's good. I'm sorry but that's just the reality. Jobs are bland, dungeons are still corridors, the overworld is lifeless, the MSQ is a walking simulator with fetch quests.
The XIV formula is so stale, a couple of raids aren't magically gonna make me overlook all the other issues. The particles are amazing, the music is just pure joy but I'd like to play a game, too. Like a good one. With job identity among other things. 😅 Maybe 8.0 will make me want to sub again but i doubt it, seeing the trajectory from ShB to now.
I think this is a weird take comparing FFXIV to one shooter game and another one that has no relevance to mmo’s? Then saying well Wuk lamat has more character in terms of design and story? I usually agree with you all the time but on this king, ima bow out.
It's just a function of how Steam only lets you Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down something. I would, without hesitation give the expansion Dawntrail a Thumbs Down in a binary choice because the expansion's launch MSQ was, in my opinion, the worst I've played and not up to what I view as the usual quality of FFXIV's storytelling and writing.
In a less binary choice where I'd be able to rate it on a scale to 10, I'd give it a 6.5/10.
All these excuses in the comment section. It was not good writing. Period.
Even without Wuk Lamat, the story for Dawntrail was boring in general. The combat being as good as it is makes up for it but it puts me in a spot where there’s nothing else in the world keeping me in the game after reclears and roulettes because I’m already checked out of the new world. But to be as fair as I can, I was hoping DT would borrow from Treasures of Aht Urghan when they announced we were getting an FFXI alliance raid.
I still have hope for the post-MSQ patches.
its okay, its just predictable and stale.
Woke lamat grew on me then rhe story just took a hard left
Alright there is no way…. I may be piss at DT story but there is now way it’s worst that those absolute trash games.
Dawntrail deserves to be mocked for it's story mainly. I don't care for concord or dustbored.
lol an expansion around jar jar binks didn't appeal to gamers, no surprises here.