FFXIV Lore: Endwalker Teaser Trailer Breakdown!

A quick breakdown of the story lore elements of the new Endwalker Teaser Trailer!

FFXIV Lore: Endwalker Teaser Trailer Breakdown!

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7 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore: Endwalker Teaser Trailer Breakdown!”

  1. Good analysis and one I have to agree with on the towers being the base we see in the trailer. I was thinking and couldn't think of anything other than the spaceship looking thing, being somehow part of or connected to The Void Ark.

  2. Fun fact in the amaurot dungeon during the final days, there is no moon. Either its created specifically to trap zodiark, or it served another purpose after his summoning.

  3. I agree completely that we're seeing the inside (and upper platform) of one of the towers, more specifically one located in Garlemald.

    That said, the question nobody is asking is why does it look like Void architecture? The Ascians shouldn't lean more heavily into one aetherical element over another, so there's no reason, if this was an Ascian construction, for it to be so heavily influenced by Void aether/architecture.

    Secondly, what is the purpose of the towers? To me it seems fairly obvious that they're draining the lands of aether and sending it skyward. The most logical destination seems to be the moon, all things considered, but I think there's another possibility.

    So here's my wild theory. Imagine that the Mhachi civlization was far more advanced than historical accounts might have given them credit for. Lets say they came up with a final solution to the war of the magi, and they constructed a "death star" of sorts as an orbital satellite. In order to power this massive weapon that would be capable of literally destroying all life on the planet, they had to drain aether from the planet – hence, the towers.

    The Mhachi obviously weren't suicidal, so they likewise created the means to avoid this apocalypse they were about to bring about; the Void Ark. Its original intent was not to escape the flood, but to escape the very devastation they themselves planned to bring about. So, it's not that the towers look like the Void Ark. It's that the Void Ark looks like the towers.

    In the end, the Ascians exploited these circumstances to bring about the sixth umbral calamity, and then swept it all under the rug. They hid the towers and let the satellite lie dormant in orbit – harmless without the towers to power it. The unsundered had no reason to use this weapon; they only wanted to create the circumstances for a calamity, not actually bring about the end of days. Fandaniel on the other hand doesn't have those same goals, and is now unshackled from the control of his elder brothers.

    I'm fairly certain that this entire scenario will be dealt with about midway through the expansion. This doesn't feel like the endgame to me. We're going to the moon; and this isn't actually related to that. I feel like once we defeat Fandaniel's plans and kill Zenos (again), he's going to flee to the moon, and we're going to have to chase him there. That's where the construction in the logo for Endwalker comes in.


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