FFXIV Complete Controller Guide – Hotbars, Settings, Macros & More

Whether you’re a new player or coming from mouse and keyboard, this video will help you get comfy on controller in Final Fantasy 14. Join the Discord if you want to see examples of controller hotbar layouts for every job in the game, if you have any questions, or just want to come hang out!: https://discord.gg/exnYvQuTVv

0:00 Intro
2:36 Movement & Camera
5:01 Hotbar Settings
11:58 Targeting
17:38 Hotbar Layout
23:36 Controllers & Technique
29:35 Macros


34 thoughts on “FFXIV Complete Controller Guide – Hotbars, Settings, Macros & More”

  1. Straight up, thing number one. Saves your hands some pain later down the road. Secondly it really is intuitive and easier to manage rotations and just better ability to memorize your hotbars, for me personally anyway. Wholeheartedly agree!

  2. All hail mouse and keyboard! Nothing beats my Glove80 (for ergo actually, but ends up being way better than actual gaming keyboards); and SwiftpointZ, a gaming mouse that gives a lot of buttons that are actually intuitively unique, easy to distinguish and use while you maintain your grip. Getting both will set you back $600 but I don't think a controller beats 18 buttons (13 buttons are reported, but deep pressure click on the same buttons can be used if mapped wisely), and the thumb cluster on the Glove80 cannot be beat. The number of unique "mental areas" to spread controls on my characters/hotbars is so insane and it all happens from very nuetral postisions.

  3. Interesting, been playing since ARR beta and never use the W hotbar, just don't like the double tap. Found myself accidentally cycling them all the time when using the trigger holds for the hidden bars.

  4. Thank you for this video, I’m debating on getting back into FFXIV but have since got rid of my PC and only have a PS5 now. This has given me hope that playing roller isn’t going to be a bad experience!

  5. Getting a dual sense edge and wondering what you recommend for the back keys. Interested in the Ninja and Reaper, How do the back keys work with the hotbars? Thanks for any help.

  6. Been playing ff14 with a keyboard and mouse. I am naturally a console guy who likes controllers but I will have to rehardwire my brain to play with pad which I want to start doing. Just finding time to practice or get used it will take time.

  7. 5k+ hours on controller here

    It takes quite a bit of fiddling with the settings to get it exactly how you want as the default settings are atrocious, but once you do it just becomes second nature knowing where everything is.
    Only things I find particularly difficult are quick target swapping as you have to cycle through them rather than just quickly point and clicking like on m+kb which makes playing healer a bit challenging for example as well as quickly being able to tell what buff/debuffs are active if you aren't familiar with them as again it's faster to just hover over with a mouse to see what they are/do versus going into the HUD settings and enabling the option to cycle through them with the TouchPad on PS controllers.
    Chatting is also more difficult and as said in the video a keyboard is highly recommended if on console, though even then it can be difficult particularly during fights as you'll have to take your hands off the controller to type.

    One tip I would recommend when setting your skills to the hotbars is putting all your main attacks that are used the most on your face buttons, (ABXY/X circle triangle square), so that you can still move with the stick and hit those while putting your lesser used skills on the dpad that you know you can take your thumb off the stick to hit.

  8. Sorry.. but playing with controller is just way many button pressing to use abilities.. you have to switch around WAY to much..
    Making mouse and keyboard the ultimate for this game..

  9. I’m also a controller player, but here’s something I think most players don’t know about. So, I play with a PS5 controller and the touchpad itself is actually 3 extra buttons (left press, right press and top press though I don’t use the latter, personally) and they’re barely used for most games or are tied to something dumb like navigating UI elements when really, you can just press the share/select button for that.

    I use an app called DS4 windows and what I do is remove the touchpad functionality because really you don’t need it and to avoid accidentally selecting anything. Then I bind the left and right touchpad buttons to my keyboard, personally, I bind them to [ and ] and then in game, I’ll set the keybinds to [ and ] on a regular hotbar and set whatever actions to those buttons. In my case, left press is mostly always a Potion and right press will be True North for DPS or Invul for Tanks, etc.

    I also take it one step further. I don’t use the mic on the controller so the mute button is equally as useless, so I rebind that solely as my limit break button.

    The idea of these remaps are that they’re out of the way enough so I don’t accidentally press them, but are there so when necessary, I can use them on a dime. I might actually make a video about it because as simple as I’ve hopefully made it sound, 14 needs to be tricked for it to work consistently, not to mention that I see nobody talking about it when it’s insanely useful.

  10. A handy tip that I do. Although it's a pain to setup.
    I use hotbar 5 to 10 and position them in between my wxhb so they look like a third xhb and I drag and drop the abilities in to the same spot that they are placed in the hold L2 and R2 xhb and hold R2 and L2 xhb. I can always see when abilities are ready to be used then.
    Make sure to hide any unassigned hotbar slots in settings though.

  11. For casual makro management, controller is definitely nice and relaxing.

    For micromanaging, going through different settings, tasks, auction house, crafting, and especially any thing, that is not combat related and set to stone, controller is much slowlier, clunkier and blatantly annoying.
    The movement of the character itself ofc is very immersive with controller, which is the biggest plus.

  12. I'm more efficient with mouse and keyboard, but my setup is kinda weird from the get go.
    However, I appreciate the video, really helped me out make things easier for my fiancé who uses controller.

  13. I'm only about 10 mins in but I LOVE the fact that you are taking your time to speak slowly & clearly and to explain everything in good detail! Now you just need to do suggested hotbar setups for each job. (Since BunBoss is no longer doing videos, there is a need for updated controller methods/videos content creator!)

  14. I get the familiarity argument like if you aren't familiar with KBM its harder to get used to but objectively KBM is better because of movement its a very small skill ceiling difference and like you said you can still do the hardest content on controller. for me its purely QoL stuff because using a mouse is just faster when moving around towns and clicking searching through menus.


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