Why The Allagan Empire Failed (FFXIV Lore)

The Allagan Empire nearly conquered the world, but a few key decisions put it on a crash course for destruction. Who’s responsible for the fall of the greatest empire from Final Fantasy XIV? Let’s explore why Xande, Amon, the Cloud of Darkness and Ascians are responsible.

A Primer On Voidsent by Cleretic – https://youtu.be/gEUQEGZZYic
Voidsent Powers by Chronicler of Lore – https://youtu.be/9TpENEC_FX4
Understanding Voidsent by Synodic Scribe – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rLAun47C6Q


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10 thoughts on “Why The Allagan Empire Failed (FFXIV Lore)”

  1. Thank you for the lore video I been wanted to know more about the allagans & have been amazed by there advancement in technology but Im also sadden that the scientists did many horrible things in the name of the science.

  2. Great lore and consistent video! love the size of the videos as well cause it lets me use them as references when I'm explaining things to friends and new players!

  3. I dont understand the hype ffxiv gets, it has virtually no economy, nothing actually "drops" like a traditional mmo, theres not really anything unique about it, people say the story is amazing and its 5/10 at best, the quests are the typical "fetch this go kill x of that" trash style quests. the combat is horrible until like level 40-50 and abilities are broken and dont even do what they say they do like 90% of the time. FFXIV genuinely strikes me as something a 12 year old would make if a 12 year old could make MMORPGs. it's like a mobile tier dungeon crawler and literally nothing else. sure the world is a p good size with good graphics but if there's nothing inside that world whats the point?


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