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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
Still no new MGP mount. Sigh. What am I to do with 9,999,999 mgp and stacks of MGP envelopes worth a mil. 😑😑😑
Uriganger!! 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️ Too bad I’m very unlucky with Wondrous Tails…. I really hate rng….
I've been waitin for this minion for so long. Now where is my wind-up titania?
Dio into Yu-Gi-Oh pose, lol I love it.
lol that quote is from SHB MSQ after you first meet him in Il Mheg
uberdanger <3
Hey Meoni, thank you for the video! If u struggle at night with gpose, under the camera position u can select "manually adjust brightness" and light up the scene. Is very handy, and more natural than put big spot lights!
Good thing an Oranges minion doesn't talk like Oranges.
I need him
Oh my he‘s sooo cute 🥰
I would love a brave new Thancred minion!
Already get him and forever my minion 💕💕💕