FFXIV – Part 6

Mike steps into Eorzea after our wonderful community unlocked it as a goal during our September Subathon.

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18 thoughts on “FFXIV – Part 6”

  1. Chocobos are the only true FF-mounts, they've been in almost every game in the franchise. Taking away chocobos is like taking away night elves from world of warcraft. I almost took great offense from the start of this video…

  2. People would care if you took Chocobo out of the game just because they are in almost every FF game, and are such a staple of Final Fantasy. Taking the Chocobo out would be like taking the hobbits out of Middle earth, or Lightsabers out of Star Wars, or removing Orcs from WoW.

  3. I'd recommend going up the healer tree on the chocobo to rank 4 to have the HoT and the cure. Don't expect it to tank well as it neither generates reliable aggro or has the durability to take too much of a beating. As for stances use either free stance or healer stance. The latter will turn off attacks but cause it to use choco-cure when you hit 80% health in stead of waiting to 50%.
    Eventually it can hit 10 in all 3 trees at rank 20 and if you want you can reset the skills with a regan pepper from the grand company.

  4. Buddy, the fact that enemies start dying twice as fast the instant you can just stand still and AoE them freely should be plenty indication that your not useless lol… just look at those numbers man! I was doing the same damage per spell as a lvl 50 white mage. And yes I know thats a healer but the damage gap is not as big as it is in other MMO's with holy trinity style gameplay and don't underestimate a well geared healer that knows what there doing when it comes to bringing the pain.

    The trick with black mage is to just really get into that flow state and let your intense desire to burn electrocute, and freeze enemies in rapid succesion take over, don't fret every small detail, focus on positioning, keep your minds eye on big picture and make sure as much of it is as currently disintegrating as possible! Let explosions rip the flesh asunder bloodrecute that which remains! Nothing Shall be left but there freeze dried ashes! And at that moment you may relax knowing you have fulfilled your purpose… at least at until the tank drags you into the next room.

    In all seriousness though as someone who likes to play every role depending on my mood I'll just say this… please don't die to the same mechanic to many times in a row, 5 or 6 times is fine but focusing on raw DPS to the point you just forget about boss mechanics every other time they happen no matter how many times you've fought the boss is pointless. Can't be topping the DPS meter when your dead, and sure a good healer will res you quickly… provided two other DPS's with tunnel vision didn't just die to the same mechanic. If you got a red mage they can quick cast that shit easily but we only get one quickcast a minute as dedicated healers and that's eight seconds we could have spent on healing, shielding, doing damage, helping with a boss mechanic, or focusing on keeping track of staying out of AoE's while we do one of the above. It also uses 2500 mana and our classes aren't designed to rapidly use and regenerate mana like a black mage is.

  5. Dunno if Preach reads the comments in this, but he needs to know that the Blue quest symbols with the + sign next to them are unlocks in the game and should be done also, otherwise he could be missing out on content.

  6. I get that Thancred has SOME redeeming attributes… but why the hell does everyone but me, Preach, and a female friend I'm playing with think he's so damn awesome? I think ya'll just simping for the first pretty boy with voice lines the game introduced you to. Don't get me wrong, I get it, but you got some proper cuties in this game that are actually amazing people who've overcome truly insane circumstances that weren't caused by being to much of a fuckboy! How has a character that can be described with the sentence "80 percent of his problems could be solved by being 20 percent less horny" gain this much adulation?


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