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#FFXIV #Meoni #5.5
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licence: CC BY (
I managed to get 3 stag horns from my first set of Fetes. Used 1, traded 1, and just sold 1 on the MB
The doe made that same idle bounce, and I was surprised that you hadn't remarked on it. 😂 I guess they breathe really fast! lol
Will it be on the marketboard too?
Got two myself, and two of the peaceful clothing coffers. Took 2 fete events so far.
Does anyone know why the gold mounts videos got comments disabled?
It's "feht", by the way. Like Boba Fett. It's French for party!
Mod Here, please dont wonder if some comments are deleted. Certain users just try to be very salty against Meoni. I would go even as far as to say try to denounce Meoni just for the fact he buys stuff from the MB to show them ASAP here on his channel.
Sorry if some posts are delted which were helpfull or defending him but i just wanted to stop the discussion about it because its pointless.
Thank you all for your understanding.
I got one of these in the 5th or so gift box I opened. haven't gotten another one but I don't need another one cuz I only need one. lol
is there a way to hide other players?
I love this mount, I must have it. I love monster mounts. These antelope mounts are going to be my favorite together with sheep mount <3
Opo Opo mount when?
It feels like this stag goes faster,is it just me?
Lovely hearty sneeze at the end
I got both the mount and 2 of the glamour set. Sold one on the auction house on my server for around 300k gil if I recall.
I have two also allready, from two fetes xD sold second one allready 🙂 my price havent been super high, but i guess i can be happy with what i got when i hear what you saying xD
Havent touched these fetes yet. Got my Stag mount of MB for 20k. It crashed hard
some generic tiger and coeurl mounts would be cool, kelpie of course would be awesome. maybe be creative and have something like succubus for a mount? we could sit on or cling to her shoulder like the wind up succubus minion does. sized up fox kit or lesser panda would also make adorable mounts
Got it my first Fete but it only sells for 8k now on MB at this time.
got 2 of these in 30 minutes.
Got one for 4k on MB today.
i just bought it for 12.000 this morning
Im just starting to play this game and today some nice gentleman came up to me and just gave this mount to me, only saying "enjoy :)". Definitely the best community